Pompeo: U.S.-China relations depend on the Direction of the Chinese Communist Party

At the CEO Council summit, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the U.S. -china relationship will largely depend on the future direction of Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping and the party leadership.

According to the Wall Street Journal on Monday, Pompeo told the paper that the Communist Party has chosen an increasingly aggressive direction over the past few years.

“Whether it’s domestic policy, Whether it’s Xinjiang, whether it’s the South China Sea, whether it’s economic and trade issues, because of the decisions that the Communist Party has made, China is different now than it was 10, 15 or 20 years ago,” he said. It forces the United States to take real action, serious action.”

On the role of U.S. multinationals in China policy, Pompeo said business leaders should be actively involved in ensuring that rules are applied equally and not on China specialism, including rules on investment and human rights standards.

“Every business leader who does business internationally understands that it is important to make sure that, first, you are not contributing to massive human rights violations; Second, you do it in a way that imposes short-term costs on your own business, but also fundamentally ensures that opportunities continue for freedem-loving countries and countries that play by the rules, and doesn’t help authoritarian regimes that want to take away the freedoms that have made you and your companies successful.”