In the wake of a spate of lawsuits alleging election fraud in the 2020 U.S. election, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken the states of Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to the federal Supreme Court on grounds of unconstitutionality. The Georgia Senate Republicans also issued a statement challenging Secretary of State Brad P. Byrne. Brad Raffensperger’s agreement with the Democratic Party on ballot signature verification.
Gateway Pundit reports that the Georgia Senate Republicans issued a statement calling for signature verification of absentee ballots in the state’s U.S. elections, a Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) investigation, and more state senate hearings on election fraud. The Hearing. Republicans vowed to rescind the agreement reached between Secretary of State Rafensperger and Democrats to sign absentee ballots in the general election.
The contents of the majority statement on the Georgia election are as follows.
Georgia Senate Republicans have heard the voices of millions of Georgians who are deeply, sincerely concerned that (Georgia) state law has been violated and our election process abused in the November 3, 2020 election. We will address this issue.
Our state law prevents us from calling a special hearing because we cannot achieve a three-fifths majority support in either the Senate or the House of Representatives. As constitutionalists, we must respect that. Even if we could secure the necessary meetings, our laws do not allow us to retroactively change the outcome of November 3, 2020. There is currently a faster way to resolve this issue than a special hearing, and it has already made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
As a State Senate, we have legislative oversight privileges.
1: We call on Georgia election officials to cooperate with the State Bureau of Investigation to investigate all incidents of election fraud, including those discovered at the December 3, 2020 Senate Committee hearing.
2, We insist that all counties immediately retain all data since the November 3, 2020, general election for audit purposes. We also call on these counties to conduct signature verification, which we call on the State Board of Elections to closely monitor.
- until January 5, 2021, we will continue to conduct public hearings to ensure that election fraud and misconduct do not affect the next election.
- We will fully support the Secretary of State’s investigation into the voting of non-Georgians in the general election and we will ensure that these criminals are prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.
We call on the Secretary of State to immediately release a list of all eligible voters for the November 3, 2020 General Election and a list of all newly eligible voters registered in Georgia between October 5 and December 7, 2020.
- Once we convene the General Assembly of the State Legislature, we will pass legislation to reverse the adverse effects of the March 2020 Executive Order.
Once we convene the General Assembly of the State Legislature, we will reform election laws to ensure the election process by eliminating random absentee voting. For absentee voting, we will require photo identification and will eliminate the use of illegal means to obtain ballots.
The U.S. Constitution protects our children and their legal rights, and it requires hard work, more time and more attention. Do not succumb to the left-wing camp that will keep you at home and unable to exercise your right to vote on January 5, 2021. Without you, we will not be able to protect the Republic. Join the Senate Republican Caucus to ensure that we get every legal vote possible in the election.
Our Senators and Public Service Commissioners will make a strong appeal for an overwhelming victory on January 5, 2021!
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