Enlarge “Taiwan”, Shrink “China” Taiwan Reveals New Passport Cover

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces new passport cover on September 2, 2020

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) announced on Wednesday (September 2, 2020) a new design for Taiwan’s passport that enlarges the wording of Taiwan in English and shrinks the English of the Republic of China (ROC) considerably.

A comparison of the old and new passports released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that, compared to the current Taiwan passport cover, the Taiwanese characters are prominent on the new passport cover, while the Chinese characters require a closer look to be read.

Explaining the new Taiwan passport, Foreign Minister Wu Zhao Xie said it was designed to help people not to mistake Taiwanese for Chinese in the face of the new coronavirus epidemic.

The new passports will be officially launched in January next year.

It is believed to be the latest move by the Democratic Progressive Party-led government in Taiwan in a long-running effort to show that Taiwan is not China.

In Beijing, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said Tuesday that there is only one China and that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.