It’s not that easy to open a store.

I finally understand why so many of my partners, when faced with a problem or dilemma in the workplace, never move.
“At worst, I’ll go home and open a store.”

I used to wonder: Why do you guys, one by one, make it easier to open a store than to eat?

But lately I’ve found out that it’s all “thanks” to the poisoning of movies, novels, etc.!

For example, the other day I read a novel where the woman is climbing up from the bottom a little bit.

In the process of climbing up, by coincidence, a store was set up at a low price.

After that it was hiring people, drilling food practices, opening, every day business was booming …….

I looked up similar novels and movies, and found that all of them are the same – they make it look so easy to open a store, as if you can make money lying down if you have a store.

In fact, whoever believes that will be screwed.

I’ve opened my own store, I’ve done stalls, I’ve rented a storefront in a mall, I’ve even sold snacks from a cart in a night market …….

I’m responsible to say this to you from my own experience.

All of the above are particularly difficult!

For example, the most common “I’ll quit my job and take a lump sum to open a store” is really a big misconception!

Opening a store, just site selection, research, risk assessment, negotiation, takeover price, and signing an agreement …… can take off a layer of skin.

The above is just the first step, there are endless problems to follow.

Every day, you will be so busy that you can’t get your feet wet.

Especially for the average shopkeeper with a limited cost budget, it really has to do everything myself, and I hate to clean a glass themselves.

When I opened the store, just the cashier machines are tinkering with several days, not counting the monitoring network, security and fire ……

Then there is recruitment, product sales, problem solving, training, the supply side of the moths to raise prices how to do, how to engage the inspection department to find fault, how to solve the customer to return after buying ……

The last thing I noticed was that the most profitable person in the store was the front desk cashier. ……

What to do? If you cut employees, you have to do it yourself.

Hiring employees is the same as working for employees, and also lose money every month.

Finally, you have no choice but to transfer the store at a lower price, inside and outside the loss of more than 100,000.

These are the problems you will most likely encounter when “leasing a store”.

As for “buying a storefront at a low price,” this is almost non-existent in first-tier cities.

Without such a good thing, the average person would not have the money.

Wage earners don’t have to think about it.

Therefore, don’t believe what you read in movies and novels, such as “opened a store”, it’s not that easy.

Even if it’s just a little-known store down the street, it’s a learning curve to open it up and make money.

So, cherish your life and your job.

Don’t quit your job if you have something to do, especially don’t always think of investing blindly to open a store casually.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that you will lose money.

Zhou Zhi.