Full-letter sentence: The agile brown-furred fox

“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. . Starting on February 10, 1885, the two canines inexplicably interact.

What makes this phrase so special is that it contains all 26 letters while keeping it as short as possible. Tracing its roots, the phrase first appeared in an article in the Boston Daily News, “Current Notes,” on February 10, 1885. The original text reads

A favorite copy set by writing teachers for their pupils is the following, because it contains every letter of the alphabet: ‘A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.’

As the original says, this sentence is “A favorite copy set by writing teachers for their pupils teachers for their pupils). Perhaps you’ll notice that the old version of the phrase begins with the indefinite article “A”. The earliest recorded version beginning with the definite article “The” is from the 1888 book by Linda Bronson Illustrative Shorthand.

In the late 19th century, with the proliferation of printers, the phrase gradually appeared in exercises for typewriter textbooks. By the early 20th century, the phrase had become widespread among native English speakers.

This sentence is called pangram/holoalphabetic in English. It means “every letter”).

To this day, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is still widely used in English fingerspelling To this day, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is still widely used in English fingering exercises, keyboard tests, font file presentations, cryptography, and other fields, and also in various literary works, film and television works, games. For example, the indie game “FEZ”, which I like very much, also has a scene related to this sentence.

There is another anecdote about these two little creatures during the Cold War: In 1963, the Moscow-Washington hotline was established to maintain rapid contact between the United States and the Soviet Union in case of emergencies, and on August 30, the United States sent its first test message, which happened to be “TESTING: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG’S BACK 1234567890”.

Here are a few examples of full-letter phrases that do not contain abbreviations or proper nouns.

“Jived fox nymph grabs quick waltz.”(28 letters) “Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf.”(28 letters) “Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.”(29 letters) “How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!”(30 letters) “The five boxing wizards jump quickly.”(31 letters) “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.”(32 letters)

A segment of the diehard rationalist human race has gone to great lengths to find the perfect all-alphabetic sentence (a letter of the alphabet that appears only once), finding all sorts of out-of-the-way words and forming all sorts of barely readable sentences. For example

Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz.

For example: Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz. The author’s internal OS: this is really English ……

In MicrosoftWord, you can use a command to generate this sentence directly. For the version before MicrosoftWord 2003, type “=rand ()” in a blank line and press enter to appear the sentence; and in 2007 and later versions, the command becomes “=rand.old ()”. Of course, the English version must be in the English version in order for the original English text to appear. Otherwise, in the Chinese version, it appears as

Almost all languages based on the epigraphic system have full-letter sentences, for example, the full-letter sentence commonly used in French military communications is “Voyez lebrick géant que j’examine près du wharf “. Other examples are as follows.

Spanish: Benjamín pidió una bebida de kiwi y fresa; Noé, sin vergüenza, la más exquisita champaña del menú. (Benjamin ordered a kiwi and strawberry beverage. Noah, without shame, the most exquisite champagne on the menu.)

More full-letter sentences in English and other languages can be found at: List of pangrams – http://clagnut.com/blog/2380/.

Pangrams are an import from English and do not work for Chinese, which uses ideographic characters, and it is not possible to compose a sentence containing more than 100,000 Chinese characters. However, there is a similar product used in ancient China for the enlightenment of young children, the Qian Zi Wen.

If we think about it from another point of view: the smallest component unit of Chinese characters is the stroke, so perhaps, in a way, the Chinese character corresponding to the concept of pangram can be exactly the “Yongzhi Bafa “The

The eight strokes in the character “永” are a high level summary of the traditional Chinese character strokes. The eight strokes of the Chinese character “永” are also regarded as the standard for regular script calligraphy. Zhu Zongyuan, in his “A Brief Explanation of Chinese Calligraphy,” explains the following.

The dot is the side (like a bird turning sideways); the horizontal is the leveller (like the reins of a horse); the vertical is the crossbow (with force); the hook is the jump (jumping, the same as leaping); the lift is the cue (like the whip of a horse); the skew is the peck (like a bird pecking); and the down is the limb (limbering is the limb, and the stroke is also open).

Perhaps some people may associate it with Japanese. Japanese is based on two systems of writing, namely Kanji (Chinese characters) and Kana (kana). Although there is still no full alphabetic sentence for Japanese kanji, all Japanese kanji can also be pronounced in kana, so a sentence containing all kana may serve the purpose. The most famous of these is the “Iroha (Iroha) Song. The poem is first recorded in 1079, in the Heian period of Japan, and is written in the “Manba kana”.

The poem is written in the Heian period in 1079 as follows

Ancient hiragana is written as follows (with “ゐ” and “ゑ”) ” are largely no longer used in modern Japanese; at that time, “浊点 ” and “semi-dark” had not yet appeared, and the dialect “ん” and “む (“ん” is written in the same way as “む”).


The Chinese translation of this poem is quite literary.

Although the flowers are fragrant, they must fall. Who in this world can always stay?

The “Irobo Song” was used as a list of kana until the invention of the fifty-note chart in the Meiji era in the 19th century. Even now, the Irobo Gita still has its uses. For example, it is used in Japanese law for serial numbers (Article 49, Item 2, Number 1, I), phonetic symbols (AI, BRO, Cハ, Dニ, Eホ, Fヘ, Gト), and so on.

In various languages, full-letter sentences were basically created as tools for use: for example, literacy, calligraphy, tests, and so on. Therefore, at the beginning of its development, it was kept as easy to understand as possible. And when the full alphabetic sentence was examined as a concept, the human nature of tossing and turning did not let it go.

There are even stories of groups of people “standing up” for different full-letter sentences, such as a Dr. Alan C. Lloyd, who once said he was more comfortable with The quick brown dog is jumping over a lazy fox,” he wrote, calling for the dog.

Whether it is a fox or a dog that jumps up, whether in reality or in the audio-visual word game works, I hope that when you see the lovely ones interacting affectionately one day, pat them with your mind and don’t forget that this century-old egg is also their existence itself.