A Century of Chinese Communism – A Properly Hostile Foreign Power

July 1 is the so-called centenary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. But in fact, the first meeting of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party was held in the British Concession in Shanghai on July 23, 1921, and later moved to a small boat on South Lake in Jiaxing to continue the meeting for fear of being discovered by the Concession inspectors. A total of 13 people met that year, and later most of them ended up badly. Others were so anxious to fight that they forgot the date and only remembered that it was July, so they simply decided to make July 1 a memorial day.

And this first meeting of the Chinese Communist Party was prepared and held by the Soviet Vikinsky.

In the first half of 1920, the head of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Communist International (with its office in Vladivostok), Vikinsky, was sent to Beijing to plan the establishment of the Communist Party in China. He contacted Li Dazhao, who was teaching at Peking University, to discuss the establishment of the Communist Party. Li Dazhao introduced Vyginsky to Chen Duxiu in Shanghai, with whom he met immediately. With Chen Duxiu’s help, the East Asia Secretariat of the Communist International was established in Shanghai. This Communist International planned to establish a Communist Party not only in China, but also in Korea and Japan.

A lot of money was needed to establish political parties, and this money of course came from the Communist International, in fact from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

In his article “Sources of Funding for the Early Communist Party,” Fei Yiran said that Vikinsky of the Far East Bureau of the Communist International received $100,000 in jewelry from the Siberian branch of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and sold it in Shanghai to finance the preparation for the establishment of the Communist Party.

With the money given by the Comintern, Chen Duxiu resumed the publication of the defunct New Youth magazine and started other new publications promoting communism; established trade unions; and opened pro-Russian (communist) organizations such as labor remedial schools.

In 1920, several communist groups were established in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Jinan and Tokyo, Japan, all as a result of Vyginsky’s activities in China.

Wigginski then planned the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, and the “Grand Congress” of the Communist Party was held in Shanghai in July 1921. The travel expenses of all 13 delegates to the conference were paid in advance by the Comintern. The meeting was planned and presided over by another delegate from the Communist International, Marin (a Dutchman). The party constitution and program were all normative versions of the Communist International. Thus, the Chinese Communist Party, as the Chinese branch of the Communist International, began its process of seizing and later assuming power.

In those days, Mao was still only a member of the Hunan Socialist Party, but he was notified of the founding of the CCP, so he went there together with two others, He Shuheng, at a cost of $150 each for the journey. At that time, Mao Zedong was still working as a clerk in an elementary school in Hunan, and his annual salary was only 100 yuan.

The so-called Communist International, known in the communist movement as the Third International, was itself founded in Moscow in 1919 after the establishment of the Soviet Communist Party, together with a number of communist organizations from European and North American countries. These communist organizations were originally leftists in the Second International, but because of their opposition to the “social-democratic” line pursued by the Second International, they withdrew from the Second International, changed their affiliation, and joined the Soviet Communist Party, which had gained state power, and formed this The Third International.

The Social-Democratic Party in Europe is actually the descendant of the Second International. Their goal is social justice and the protection of workers’ rights, but the method they use is reformist, through democratic politics, through elections to parliament and even to form a cabinet government, to improve society by means of legislation. The League of Social Democrats in Hong Kong, in general, follows the path of the Second International.

But for the radical communists, they were dissatisfied with the reformist line of the Second International and believed that only Lenin’s theory of violent revolution could achieve communism, hence the Soviet-held Third International, and it was under the operation of the Third International that the founding of the Chinese Communist Party was reached.

This communist Third International was actually a political tool of the Soviet Communist Party, an international Red terrorist organization specializing in conspiring to subvert governments around the world and expand communism throughout the world. After the establishment of the Third International, it formed the Chinese Communist Party and, through armed assistance to the Kuomintang in Guangdong, overthrew the government of the Republic of China in Beijing, which we now call the Beiyang government, and then, through the Chinese Communist Party that it had established, overthrew the Kuomintang’s national government. In short, it was to overthrow the government of China, and all with violence.

I don’t want to overly blame those Chinese intellectuals who were involved in communism a hundred years ago, because today we don’t live in the social environment of that time, and it is difficult to understand the suffering of the Chinese people at that time. I believe that most of them were idealists who wanted China to be better.

Let’s take a look at what happened to these 13 members of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Zhang Guotao: A university student in Beijing, he represented Li Dazhao at the “Grand Congress” of the CPC and was elected as the Director of Organization of the Central Bureau of the CPC, equivalent to the Minister of the Central Organization Department, one of the three “Central Leaders” of the CPC. In 1931, Zhang Guotao secretly went to Hubei from Shanghai and entered the border area between Hubei and Sichuan, taking over the Red Army of the Communist Party of China there. The two sides came into conflict and were deprived of their military power. After the cooperation of the Communist Party against Japan, Zhang, who was suppressed within the Communist Party, ran away to Xi’an in 1938 to defect to the Kuomintang and was expelled from the Communist Party. In 1949, Zhang moved to Hong Kong and emigrated to Canada in 1968, where he died in Toronto in 1979.

Chen Gongbo: In 1921, he represented Guangdong to attend the “Grand Congress” of the Communist Party of China. After being warned by the party for supporting Chen Jiongming, Chen left the party to study in the U.S. Upon his return to China in 1925, he joined the left wing of the Kuomintang and held senior positions. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, Chen Gongbo joined Wang Jingwei in 1938 to establish a new regime in Japanese-occupied Nanking to fight against Chiang Kai-shek’s Chongqing government. The Nanking regime was considered a “pseudo-regime”. Chen Gongbo was regarded as the “number two traitor” after Wang Jingwei. After the defeat of Japan, Chen fled to Japan and was wanted by the Nationalist government, but was later taken back to China, where he was executed in June 1945 for collaborating with the enemy and committing treason.

Zhou Fuhai: In 1921, he attended the First Congress of the Communist Party of China in Japan as a delegate and served as acting secretary for Chen Duxiu, and in 1924, he joined the Kuomintang and left the Communist Party. In 1938, Zhou followed Wang Jingwei to Nanking to form a pseudo-government and served as vice president of the pseudo-executive Yuan. After the Japanese surrender in 1945, Zhou participated in the post-war reception work in Shanghai, but due to public pressure, Chiang Kai-shek imprisoned Zhou in 1946 for collaborating with the enemy and committing treason. Zhou Fuhai died in prison in 1948.

Liu Renjing: The youngest delegate to the First Congress of the Communist Party of China. In 1927, Liu was in the Soviet Union when Stalin and Trotsky turned against each other. On his way out of the Soviet Union, Liu took a detour to Turkey to see Trotsky, who had been expelled from the party. Upon his return to China, Liu was considered a Trotskyist and was expelled from the CCP.

In 1950, the People’s Daily published Liu’s confession of wrongdoing, and Liu was assigned to work as a compiler; after the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, he was imprisoned for a time.

In 1981, on the eve of the Communist Party’s anniversary, the official media interviewed Liu Renjing, the only surviving delegate to the Great Committee of the Communist Party of China, who again said that he had made a major mistake and thanked the Communist Party for being “so kind” to him. On August 5, 1987, Liu was hit by a bus while walking in the streets of Beijing and died.

Bao Huisheng: Represented Chen Duxiu at the “Grand Congress” of the Communist Party of China. After the Communist split in 1927, the Communist Party accused him of not doing a good job as a KMT general and gave him a warning, and he then left the Communist Party and served in the Nationalist Government. In November 1949, Pao returned to Beijing and joined his former colleagues, and later served as a counsellor of the State Council and other idle positions. During the Cultural Revolution, he was attacked and died in 1979.

Li Hanjun: He left the party in 1922 because of his disagreement with Chen Duxiu and Zhang Guotao, and taught in Wuchang before joining the Northern Expedition. Li was arrested and executed by the Gui army who invaded Wuhan on the charge of being a “leading member of the Communist Party”.

Li Da: Li Da attended the First Congress of the Communist Party of China and was elected as the propaganda director of the Central Bureau; in 1923, Li Da quarreled with Chen Duxiu and left the Communist Party of China to teach at the Hunan Peasant Movement Seminar organized by Mao Zedong; in 1949, the victorious Mao Zedong re-invited Li Da to join the Party. Li Da served as president of Hunan University, president of Wuhan University, and a member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. In his early years, Li Da, who was above Mao Zedong, became a propagandist of Mao Zedong’s thought, and was the vanguard of various criticisms initiated by Mao, including the “Anti-Rightist Movement”. In 1966, Li Da died of illness after being criticized, and he was a victim of the Cultural Revolution.

Deng Enming: After the First Congress, he went to the Soviet Union to attend the International Communist Congress, and then engaged in labor movement in Shandong.

Wang Guomei: He was one of the organizers of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Shandong Province. He died of tuberculosis in 1925 while advocating the labor movement.

He Shuheng: He represented Hunan at the “Grand Congress” with Mao Zedong, went to the Soviet Union in 1928, returned to China in 1930, and served as the head of the General Committee of the Communist International Relief, and entered the Communist base in Ruijin, Jiangxi in 1931, where he served as the chairman of the “Soviet District” court. In 1931, he entered the Communist Party’s base in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province, and became the chairman of the “Soviet District” court. In 1934, after the Red Army began its “Long March”, He was left behind in the base. In 1935, He was killed by a militia group on his way to Fujian from Jiangxi.

Chen Tanqiu: He and Dong Biwu attended the “Grand Congress” of the Communist Party of China as delegates from Wuhan. Chen Tanqiu was involved in leading the labor movement and was the secretary of the provincial committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1939, Chen went to Xinjiang as a delegate of the Communist Party. Sheng Shicai, who controlled Xinjiang at that time, had cooperated with the Soviet Union, but Sheng Shicai felt that the Soviet Union and the CCP were threatening his rule by planning riots in Xinjiang, so he leaned on the central government of the Kuomintang in 1942, expelled the Soviet delegates and arrested Chen Tanqiu and others. Chen Tanqiu and Mao Zemin, Mao’s brother, and others were executed by order of Sheng Shicai in 1943.

Dong Biwu: He was one of the best people to end up in the founding of the CCP, and later became the Vice President and Acting President of China (the President had no power then, unlike now), and one of the Standing Committee of the Politburo. As a representative of the Chinese Communist Party, Dong Biwu participated in the UN Constitutional Conference, so when he died in 1975, the UN Secretary General sent a message of condolence, calling him one of the founders of the UN.

Mao Zedong, we don’t need to say more.

In addition to these men, there were two other bigwigs in the early days of the CCP. One was Li Dazhao – director of the library of Peking University and professor of history in the Department of Economics, one of the most important figures in the early days of the CCP.

In 1925, Li Dazhao, together with Zhao Shiyan and others, organized a demonstration of more than 50,000 people in Beiping, a political movement in conjunction with the Kuomintang’s Northern Expeditionary War. The Beiyang government ordered Li Dazhao to be wanted for “gathering the masses under the pretense of communist doctrine and for repeatedly causing trouble,” so he fled to the Russian barracks in Dongjiaominxiang Alley. After the Eight-Nation Alliance, foreign troops could be stationed in Beijing and Tianjin, so Li Dazhao ran away to the Soviet Embassy.

In March 1926, Li Dazhao led and participated in the March 18 Movement in Beiping, which opposed imperialism and the Beiyang warlords.

Zhang Zuolin, the father of Zhang Xueliang, who was in control of the Beiyang government at the time, sent the Beijing police and gendarmes of the Feng army to raid the Soviet Embassy, and Li Dazhao’s family was arrested at the Soviet Embassy at the same time. This incident was a great sensation at that time. The search of foreign embassies was a big deal, but at that time the Soviet Embassy was hiding not only members of the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang, but also weapons and propaganda materials and war plans. That is why international public opinion did not support the so-called diplomatic immunity of the Soviet embassies because they could not be turned into bases for armed violence.

On April 28, Li Dazhao and 20 other Communists were executed by hanging at the age of 37 for “conspiring with the Soviet Union and collaborating with foreign countries.

A few days ago, the Chinese Communist Party’s CCTV used figures to virtualize the execution scene, and the hanging rope became the number one hot search on the mainland microblogging site, and everyone wanted to keep the rope, why? People use their own imagination.

Another early Communist Party bigwig was Chen Duxiu.

Chen Duxiu later became the first General Secretary of the CCP. Chen was a man of letters who insisted on sincere cooperation with the Kuomintang, which of course did not fit into the Soviet Communist Party’s plan, the Soviet Union’s goal, which was to mess up China, stall Japan, and relieve the pressure on the Soviet Far East. So after 1927, Chen Duxiu was removed, and in 1929, he was expelled from the party after a dispute with the Soviet Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Party. In 1932, he was arrested by the Kuomintang and handed over to the courts for trial, and many famous figures in the world wrote to Chiang Kai-shek to plead for mercy, including Albert Einstein. Chen Duxiu was finally sentenced to 13 years in prison and was released in 1938 with an amnesty. He then taught in Sichuan, refused the invitation of the Chinese Communist Party to go to Yan’an, the invitation of Hu Shih to go to the United States, and the proposal of Chiang Kai-shek to establish a new Communist Party, and died in Sichuan in 1942 from food poisoning.

We could say a lot about the centennial of the CCP. Let’s talk about part of it today. But from this part, we can see that the Chinese Communist Party was completely manipulated and held by foreign hostile forces from the beginning to the end of its existence, from small to large, and finally in power and in power.

This is the reason why the CCP is determined to eliminate the possibility of Chinese people “colluding with foreign forces”, because this is how they themselves seized power in China.