Bao Tong: The Chinese Communist Party has been fighting people for 100 years, and it has been having fun for 100 years

One hundred years of China under the Chinese Communist Party is better than the previous three thousand years.

I don’t mean being an economic penis. That has nothing to do with the CCP leadership, just as the world’s first economy witnessed by Marco Polo or Matteo Ricci had nothing to do with the brilliant or not-so-smart imperial leadership of the descendants of Kublai or Zhu Yuanzhang.

What amazes me is the unbelievable i.e. unpredictable nature of these 100 years, while the last 3,000 years were possible. Perhaps the old society was too simple, made by the times, and its changes were traceable; while the leaders of the new era were too amazing, doing whatever they wanted, fighting whenever they wanted, and making it happen.

When I say “fight”, I mean fight people, the “fight” that Mao Zedong poured out a hundred years ago: “When you fight with people, you will be happy”. The philosophy of the CCP is the philosophy of struggle, which is Mao’s definition. The basic means of promoting the CCP’s work is to conduct campaigns, that is, to fight people. This was true when Mao was in Zhongnanhai, and it is still true when Mao is in his coffin. There is no good strategy except to fight people, that is, to drive or prohibit the masses to do this and that. Chinese society, driven by the CCP’s struggle in one way or another, is forced to live in the cracks of rocks as the party wishes.

Some people say: “Haha, this proves the truth of the universe – class struggle is the driving force of social development! I don’t know the truth of the universe, so I can only ask them to face up to the harsh reality: to tear up the common program they put forward is in line with the demands of which class at that time or later? Which one or group of peasants’ voice does Mao Zedong, who denounced the small-footed woman, represent? Was the task of the socialist revolution to make hundreds of revolutionary bureaucrats into billionaires? Does the “exploration” of the Cultural Revolution have a single thing to do with the proletariat? Can global bullying solve the problems of the common people in terms of food, clothing, housing, life, death and terror? What is the achievement of the Chinese Communist Party, which leads the fight against people, other than opening up and maintaining its own privileges and interests and face, enough to go down in history?

So I don’t have the slightest courage to cosmeticize Mao’s philosophy of struggle with cosmic truths. Though I must admit Mao’s talent for fortune-telling. The prophecy of “fighting with people, it’s fun”, which has fought all Chinese people, and not only Chinese people, for a whole hundred years, and it is not impossible to continue to fight like this.

When I say “fought all the Chinese”, I mean it after careful deliberation. Mao and his Chinese Communist Party have indeed fought against Confucius and Chiang Kai-shek, against the rich and the poor, against the young grandmother, against Chen Duxiu and Qu Qubai, against Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, against the capitalists and the Red Guards, and against the workers, peasants and revolutionary masses that he talked about every day.

Mao Zedong’s fight, the fight of the Chinese Communist Party, is absolutely universal and eternal and non-stop. “Eight hundred million people, can we not fight!” This is the money-spinner that Mao left for his disciples and followers. The new language of the new era has openly acknowledged that sitting on the mountain is a bonus to fighting – a revolutionary bonus.

Yes, how many billions of people do you want to become your laborers your slaves your cannon fodder, you must fight them into a stupor at all times so that they fear you superstitiously seeing you as prophet and ancestor, country and fundamental.

Mao has done this to this extent. The CCP has already achieved their goal through state violence and deception and crime. They have destroyed the traditional concept of right and wrong. They have taken clear private ownership and achieved shameless official ownership through muddled public ownership.

How much farther can they go? Can the great work of fighting people started by Mao Zedong continue to be recognized and tolerated both internally and externally? This is the question that they and we must address in a practical way. How much longer do you think it can drag on in a diluted manner?