The life of Wei Wei, who was once a big star, under criticism and house arrest

When it comes to the essay “Who is the Loveliest Man” written by mainland writer Wei Wei, there are very few people who have attended secondary school who do not know it, because it has been selected for inclusion in secondary school textbooks since 1951 and continued until 2007. It can be said that it has influenced several generations of Chinese people, and “the most lovely people” has become synonymous with the Chinese Communist Volunteer Army and Chinese Communist soldiers. Undoubtedly, this article, which praises the Chinese Communist Volunteer Army for helping the invaders in North Korea, is one of the most successful brainwashing tools of the Chinese Communist Party, and Wei Wei has also become very popular and highly regarded by the Chinese Communist Party because of this article.

However, the truth is not to be avoided. The Korean War eulogized by Wei Wei was not only a war of aggression, but many of the volunteer troops who helped the invaders also fell for the CCP’s big bait. The fact that two-thirds of the Chinese Communist prisoners of war refused to return to China after the war speaks volumes.

UN Adopts Proposal to Condemn China as an Aggressor

According to information, the outbreak of the Korean War on June 25, 1950 was initiated by North Korea, and at first the North Korean army made good progress, driving South Korean troops to Pusan and occupying 90 percent of South Korea by mid-August. Then, the U.S.-led United Nations forces landed in Inchon on September 15. Under the constant bombardment by the U.S. air force, the North Korean army began to be overwhelmed, and anxious Kim Il-sung considered asking China to send troops to assist North Korea. After repeated communication between China, the Soviet Union and North Korea, Mao finally ordered the Chinese army to secretly cross the Yalu River on October 19 to participate in the Korean War over the objections of many Chinese generals.

The international community reacted to the Chinese Communist Party’s move to help North Korea: On January 30, 1951, the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a proposal to condemn China as an aggressor by a vote of forty-four in favor and seven abstentions. On May 18 of that year, the UN also adopted proposals calling on member states to impose an embargo on China.

On June 25, 2016, China’s Punch News published a declassified Soviet document “How Stalin and Mao agreed to send Chinese troops to help North Korea”, proving once again that the aggressor was precisely North Korea and that the Chinese Communist Party’s so-called “resistance to the U.S. and support for North Korea” was only at the cost of the deaths of The Chinese Communist Party’s so-called “resistance to the U.S. and support for North Korea” only helped an aggressor at the cost of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Chinese people.

There is no doubt that the Chinese people who listened to the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda and considered “resisting the U.S. and supporting the DPRK” as “defending the country” have undoubtedly been fooled once again. Not only is North Korea the aggressor, but the Chinese Communist Party is also an accomplice to the aggressor. It was also because the Chinese Communist Party’s troops went into North Korea on their own initiative to help the aggressors that the United Nations passed a motion condemning the Chinese Communist Party as the aggressor. Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda to the public that it sent troops to North Korea because the U.S. army invaded the country is a deceptive statement that turns black and white on its head, and it is precisely to cover up the fact that the real reason for sending troops is to help North Korea, the invader’s little brother, not to be destroyed.

Two-thirds of the prisoners of war refused to be repatriated

After Stalin’s death, the warring sides on the Korean peninsula signed a cease-fire agreement in 1953. The Communist Party and the United States clashed over the subsequent repatriation of prisoners of war. The Communists demanded that all captured “volunteer” POWs be repatriated, but the U.S. repatriated them on a voluntary basis. It turns out that during the war, many Chinese communist soldiers sought opportunities to voluntarily surrender to the UN forces, and a significant percentage did so. Of the more than 21,000 Chinese soldiers captured by the UN, 14,325 refused to return to Communist-ruled China with a resolute attitude of “no death”.

U.N. documents contain records of entire trains of Chinese POWs being transported from the front lines to Daegu without any escort, with no one escaping on the way. U.S. POW supervisors at the time recalled that the most frequent request made by Communist POWs during that time was that we be issued weapons and allowed to fight our way back home.

Some sources indicate that these anti-communist Chinese POWs were predominantly former KMT army officers and soldiers who had been surrendered or received conversions. According to the book “Group Behavior in Combat and Captivity,” two-thirds of the more than 10,000 anti-Communist POWs had worked in the KMT military and government departments, but the other one-third belonged to the “red root” group. The main reason for their reluctance to be repatriated is the harsh policies of brainwashing and other measures implemented by the Chinese Communist Party in the army to destroy human dignity, and their fear of being treated unfairly upon their return to China.

Those CCP POWs who did not want to be repatriated were eventually sent to Taiwan, and most of them developed well, or at least ended up well. Those who believed in the Chinese Communist Party and returned to China were not only censored many times, but were also the targets of many campaigns.

Does Wei Wei know anything about this? Are these Chinese soldiers who refused to be repatriated still the “most lovely people”?

He was criticized twenty-three times during the Cultural Revolution

After the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, Wei Wei became the first person to be rectified in the Beijing Military Region. He was accused of being a “black-line figure of the Cultural Revolution”, “one of Zhou Yang’s men” and “a member of the Three Rebels” and was criticized 23 times.

On May 21, 2009, Hu Jian’s blog on the mainland’s Caixin website cited the “Materials on Wei Wei’s Problems” compiled by the Cultural Department of the Beijing Military Region, listing six parts of Wei Wei’s so-called “crimes,” namely, first, resisting, distorting, and slandering Mao Zedong Thought; second, attacking the Party and socialism; third, having close ties with Zhou Yang, the leader of the literary gang; and fourth, being a revisionist cultural figure. close relationship with Zhou Yang, the leader of the literary gang; fourth, revisionist literary thought; fifth, revisionist views in his works; and sixth, being empty-eyed and assuming the authority of a bourgeois lord.

However, in Hu Jian’s opinion, all these charges were far-fetched. For example, the first charge, “resisting, distorting and slandering Mao Zedong Thought,” cites as an example his plagiarism of Mao’s famous lines.

For example, in his “attack on the Party”, he wrote about a Party group leader who was actively holding group meetings during the cruel days of the anti-depredation campaign, but ended up being a prisoner of the Japs a few days later. After the war, he escaped with the Japanese and was caught again, but after he arrived here, he became a model again. Because Wei Wei portrayed such a “party leader”, he was regarded as “attacking the Chinese Communist Party”.

For example, Wei Wei was accused of having “revisionist ideas” in his works, and the list of excerpts from Wei Wei’s works contains 18 paragraphs, mainly promoting bourgeois humanism and bourgeois views of happiness.

In 1967, Wei Wei was sent to the suburbs of Beijing to work in Mentougou, and the following year he was recalled to Beijing to attend a “study class”. Protected by Zheng Weishan, the then commander of the Beijing Military District, Wei Wei was less affected by the criticism, so he asked to go to a steel rolling mill in Shanxi to work and exercise. But soon after he went, he was recalled by the rebel faction, saying that there were still some problems that needed to be investigated. Not wanting to be subjected to such torment, Wei Wei secretly “slipped” out of Beijing.

In the summer of 1971, Wei Wei was discharged from the hospital. After that, he lived a quiet life for a while.

Designated by Jiang Zemin as “the most detestable person”

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, Wei Wei was appointed as the head of the Cultural Department of the Beijing Military Region, and later served as an advisor to the Political Department of the Beijing Military Region, where he began writing the biography of Nie Rongzhen.

In 1988, Wei Wei was involved in founding and serving as editor-in-chief of Zhongliu, a publication known as a leftist publication, which espoused a Cultural Revolution mindset.

Jiang Zemin, the Communist Party’s general secretary who came to power in 1989, introduced the “Three Represents” ideology during a tour in 2000, and it was launched in high profile at the Communist Party’s 80th anniversary conference the following July 1, and was later incorporated into the Communist Party’s constitution as a guiding ideology. This aroused strong dissatisfaction among the leftists in the CCP. Including Wei Wei, a group of 16 old men, including Lin Mohan, Wu Lengxi and Li Chengrui, jointly signed an article entitled “The July 1 Speech is an extremely important political mistake” and submitted it to the CPC Central Committee.

The article listed Jiang Zemin’s seven major sins and accused him of violating “the basic principles and provisions of the Party constitution” with his “Three Represents” as stated in his “July 1 speech”. “He also attacked the “Three Represents”, pointing the finger at Jiang Zemin.

The full text was then published in the magazine “Zhongliu”, which made Jiang Zemin feel very uncomfortable. In August of that year, Zhongliu, which had been held by the leftists, was suspended from publication.

The matter did not end after the suspension of “Zhongliu”, Jiang said in a speech at the National Defense University on August 31 that there were people who interfered with and opposed the “Three Represents”, saying: “One who wrote “Who is the most lovely person” recently wrote “Who is the most hateful person? ‘, I think he is ‘the most detestable person! In the words of our hometown, he is ‘an old man eating arsenic, living with impatience! .”

After that, Wei Wei was placed under house arrest, his military-grade treatment was suspended, his official car was cancelled, and his unit began a series of inquiries and criticisms against him, and a guard was posted outside the walls of his house to conduct round-the-clock surveillance.

Later, during the “two sessions”, “party congress” and so-called major “holidays”, the Communist authorities issued a warning to Wei Wei: “Do not meet with reporters, do not participate in social activities, and go out of the house. The Chinese Communist authorities warned Wei Wei: “Do not meet with reporters, do not participate in social activities, and ask for leave from the group to go out”. Wei Wei, who was so popular in the past, has now become a dissident under the control of the CCP.


In August 2008, Wei Wei passed away. Before he died, he still held on to “Marxism-Leninism”. Wei Wei was criticized for his “capitalist ideas” during the Cultural Revolution and was placed under house arrest for his “leftist” ideas after 2000, which is undoubtedly a great irony for the CCP. It is self-evident what kind of a party the CCP is that has changed.