Hong Kong’s “Granny Wong” one-man march arrested on suspicion of illegal assembly

The Hong Kong Police Force recently prohibited the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (HKASPD) from holding the “June Fourth Candlelight Vigil” and June Fourth Candlelight Vigil on May 30, and the Appeal Board of Public Meetings and Processions rejected the appeal arrangement on May 29. The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China subsequently announced the cancellation of the event and the cessation of related publicity. The Hong Kong Police Force still deployed many police officers to guard the original march assembly site on the 30th, known as “Granny Wong” Wang Feng Yao in the afternoon with a yellow umbrella and a statement of mourning for June 4, appeared outside the Shunden Stadium in Wan Chai, hoping to walk from Wan Chai to the Central Office in Sai Wan, but was arrested by the police for “suspected illegal assembly The police arrested for “suspected illegal assembly” and took the police car.

The comprehensive news shows that at around 2 p.m. local time on Sunday, “Granny Wang” Wang Fengyao arrived alone outside the Southorn Stadium, sitting on the ground, she was holding a “32, June 4 Tiananmen Lament” placard and a yellow umbrella with a British flag attached, the police officers present then Police officers then came forward and surrounded her, asking her to leave. According to Apple Daily, Wang Fengyao wanted to walk along the original march route to the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government, and was followed by a uniformed female inspector, and nearly 30 police officers in charge of video recording, plainclothes police and media liaison team.

After about 10 minutes of negotiation, Wang was allowed to go, but she was stopped again by the police before the flyover opposite the police headquarters. Wang Fengyao continuously said, “I am a person, is a granny, why not let me go?” After that, a police officer on the scene said Wang Fengyao suspected of illegal assembly, to arrest her, after taking her to the police car, and confiscated the yellow umbrella and placards.

A reporter checked the law, constituting an “unlawful assembly” requires at least three people to participate. According to Section 18 of the Public Order Ordinance, “Where three or more persons assemble together to commit a disorderly act or to commit an intimidating, insulting or provocative act with the intention of causing or likely to cause any person to reasonably fear that the persons so assembled will breach the peace or that they will provoke others to breach the peace by their conduct An assembly is unlawful if it is intended to cause, or is likely to cause, any person to reasonably fear that the persons so assembled will disrupt the peace or that they will provoke others to disrupt the peace by their conduct. A conviction for participating in an “unlawful assembly” is punishable by up to five years in prison.