Japan’s “national wife” married powerful, the news anchor apologized for one thing

Japanese actress Yuki Arakaki and her “shameful but useful” co-star Gen Hoshino suddenly announced their marriage on May 19, and the news drew a lot of attention, even the Japanese government’s “number two”, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsushin, also publicly sent his blessing to the two. Due to the suddenness of the news, several Japanese news stations have been inserted in the middle of the broadcast to report the news, the host’s reaction attracted the attention of the audience, including news anchor Fujii Takahiko at that time called on the audience to “calm down”, and then apologized for his mood “too excited The news anchor Takaiko Fujii apologized for being “too excited” and became a local hot topic.

Political figures have spoken out

After the wedding news of Arakaki Yuki and Hoshino Yuan, many Japanese political figures also spoke out on this, for example, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsushin on May 19 openly in a press conference to send their blessings to the two, and also pointed out that “shameful but useful escape” is a set of television stations about marriage, and now the two in the drama become a real couple, deep congratulations.

The former secretary of Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, Hiroshi Oshima, retweeted the news on Twitter and then hilariously wrote, “It’s over” (オワタ), to show his feelings of being “electrocuted”.

Anchor: “Calm down, everyone”

Japanese TV anchor Takaiko Fujii also became the talk of the town when he broke the news on May 19 about the wedding of Yuki Arakaki and Hoshino Gen. He first urged viewers to “calm down,” saying there was news to congratulate, and then read a joint statement from Hoshino Gen and Yuki Arakaki.

The company’s first and foremost goal was to make the company’s products and services available to the public. “

Fujii Takahiko’s real reaction drew heated debate, and Japanese TV uploaded the clip on Twitter, attracting more than 2.2 million views.

[Hoshino Gen and Arakaki Yukiya’s wedding announcement

Singer de Haiku no Hoshino Gen san and actress no Arakaki Yuki san are getting married. pic.twitter.com/nPUcc00iD6

-Japanese Telegraph NEWS (@news24ntv) May 19,2021