The Breitbart News reported on May 16 that Biden’s Department of Health (HHS) has diverted more than $2 billion that should have gone into other health programs to help send more than 50,000 illegal youth and child immigrants, to their parents across the United States, more than the Trump administration has spent on unaccompanied children programs in the past two fiscal years combined. The Trump administration’s approach is to send illegal immigrant children back home to Central America.
The Placement of Unaccompanied Children (UAC) program, with a preliminary budget estimate of $8.6 billion in fiscal year 2021, has an overall program shortfall of more than $4 billion, according to a leaked government report published by The New York Times on May 10.
According to three sources familiar with the matter, the diverted funds include $850 million initially allocated by Congress to rebuild the Strategic National Stockpile (SNSP), the transfer of which was approved this week by the U.S. Office of Administration and Budget (OMB), and another $850 million to be drawn from funds to help expand CCP virus testing. In addition, the Department of Health has drawn approximately $436 million from the department’s existing health programs.
Most of the 50,000 “children” are actually teenage boys, many of whom will be working low-wage jobs to pay off their smuggling debts and support relatives in Central American countries.
But even children are an economic stimulus for Biden’s business donors, as they drive up rents and spur federal, state and local spending, for example, on basic education (K-12). Immigration also creates a new generation of illegal immigrants for business groups and progressive Democrats to replace the poor or disabled.
Biden has refused to use the judge-approved program to send arriving youth and children back to their distant homelands. The vast majority of swing voters blame Biden, not Trump, for the unpopular immigration crisis.
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