UK study shows mixed vaccinations cause double the side effects

A health care worker vaccinates people against the Chinese communist virus (COVID-19) in Miami, U.S., May 13, 2021.

A new study found that subjects who received a combination of the COVID-19 vaccine were two to three times more likely to have symptoms such as fatigue and fever than those who received two doses of the same vaccine.

The study was conducted by the University of Oxford (UK) and the preliminary results were published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet.

The results of the study showed that a combination of CCL vaccines (i.e., different vaccines for the first and second doses) had unanticipated negative effects that increased the risk of short-term side effects that the researchers had not anticipated.

The trial was conducted with vaccine recipients of the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 (ChAd) vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the BNT162b2 (BNT) vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech. The results showed that, as an example of reporting self-perceived fever (feverish).

➣ 34% (37 cases/110 cases) of the subjects who received the combination ChAd/BNT vaccine had feverish symptoms, compared with 10% (11 cases/112 cases) of those who received two doses of ChAd. The absolute difference in the proportion of vaccinees who developed this reaction between the two pairs was 24% (95% CI 13%-35%).

➣ Forty-one percent (47 cases/114 cases) of subjects who received the BNT/ChAd combination vaccine had febrile symptoms, compared with 21% (24 cases/112 cases) of those who received two doses of BNT. The absolute difference in the proportion of vaccinees who developed this reaction was 21% (95% CI 8%-33%).

Similar trends were observed in the occurrence of symptoms such as chills, fatigue, headache, arthralgia, malaise and muscle aches. Most of these symptoms appeared within 48 hours of the mixed vaccination.

The study also highlighted that it is worth noting that the above data was obtained in subjects over 50 years of age.

The study is also currently continuing to evaluate the long-term effects of mixed vaccinations, and the data are expected to be published in June.