Interview with Yu Maochun: The Chinese Communist Rule Model Threatens the World

Biden has been in office for more than 100 days and gave a first speech to Congress not long ago. Since taking office, the Biden administration has overturned many aspects of the Trump administration’s policies and practices. But in terms of attitude and strategy toward the Chinese Communist Party, Biden has so far retained much of the Trump-era approach. That’s why outsiders say it’s “Trump rules and Biden follows”.

Today, we invite Yu Maochun, former chief China policy advisor to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to talk about the current U.S.-China relations, including the U.S. political, defense, and intelligence communities, as well as the financial, economic, and legal communities, what is the basic understanding of the Chinese Communist Party? So much so that the Biden administration has continued the basic principles and practices of the Trump administration’s policy toward China.

Yu Maochun has mentioned that the national re-understanding of the CCP in the U.S. is all based on one fundamental fact, and that is the CCP government’s own words and actions. The CCP has also always misjudged the situation.

Yu Maochun also mentioned that Secretary Pompeo is a very visionary American political leader who for the first time distinguished between the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people, who reacted very strongly, and that the Chinese Communist Party is most afraid of its own people.

The so-called U.S.-China relationship, according to Maochun Yu, is actually a showdown between the free world and communism. The CCP is not only enslaving its own people, but is also pushing its experience of domination into the world, and the CCP model is threatening the free world.

Mr. Yu is the chief China policy advisor to former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He is currently a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, a U.S. think tank, a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, and a professor at the U.S. Naval Academy.