Vaccination for a chance to win! U.S. Ohio vaccination for a chance to win $1 million

In order to encourage people to get vaccinated, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine yesterday (13) offered a new policy where people who complete the vaccination can participate in a $1 million (about $27.94 million NTD) lottery, and those under 18 years old will also have the chance to win college scholarships. The government expects people to complete the vaccination within a few weeks as soon as possible, as the ban will be lifted after June 2 in Ohio.

According to the Associated Press, the benefit began on May 26, and adults who receive one dose of the vaccine will be entered into a $1 million sweepstakes, which will be held every Wednesday for five weeks. For students under the age of 18, Ohio is offering five four-year college scholarships, including tuition, housing and books. The Republican Governor Wynn said the prize money comes from the state’s epidemic relief budget, and the lottery is handled by the Ohio Lottery.

Although the policy is well-intentioned, Democratic state Rep. Emilia Sykes criticized the waste of money, saying “millions of dollars in the budget for the lottery is simply the wrong use of the money, which has better uses.” In response, Wynn said he understands Sykes’ concerns, but he believes the real waste is throwing away the vaccine, which is why the prize money is being used as an incentive.

According to Johns Hopkins University’s outbreak statistics, the 7-day rolling average of new daily cases in Ohio has not increased over the past 2 weeks, from 1,522 new cases per day on April 26 to 1,207 new cases per day on May 10, indicating that the outbreak in Ohio has gradually slowed.

As of the 12th, more than 4.2 million Ohioans, or about 36% of the state’s total population, have been vaccinated, but the number of people coming in for vaccinations has dropped significantly, with 16,500 vaccinations last week, down from 80,000 in early April.