Fact Check: Joe Biden Falsely Claims $2.3 Trillion Bill Will Create 16 Million Jobs

The Breitbart News reported on May 5 that Joe Biden cited a Moody’s study claiming that his $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill, would create 16 million jobs. Biden defended his massive tax-and-spend plan, saying, “Moody’s said it would create 16 million new jobs, and the latest number I don’t know yet.”

The Breitbart News says that judgment is wrong.

Moody’s actual estimate is that the U.S. could create 1,600 new jobs by 2030, if Biden’s plan is not taken into account. Biden’s plan would create 2.6 million additional jobs in 10 years, and if that number is added in, the U.S. would create 19 million new jobs in the next 10.

In other words, without Biden’s plan, the U.S. could also create nearly 16 million new jobs in 10 years, while Biden’s plan, in 10 years, would only create 2.6 million new jobs.

So, Biden’s officials usually say that Moody’s believes Biden’s bill will “help” create 19 million jobs.

However, at a White House event Wednesday, Biden changed his tune again. Biden believes his plan would create far more jobs than Moody’s estimated.