Minimum Wage of 2,200 per Month in Beijing, Beijingers Scream They Can’t Live at All

China has officially announced that it has “completely lifted itself out of poverty,” but the private sector is not convinced, and official figures are often said to be out of touch with reality. The Beijing municipal government announced this week that the guaranteed minimum wage in 13 industries, including food, auto manufacturing and construction, is 26,400 yuan per year, or 2,200 yuan per month, which netizens unanimously believe is a wage level that would make it difficult to even feed and clothe oneself in a big city.

Beijing’s cost of living is ranked among the top ten in the world, and the high price of goods makes people suffer. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security announced on Monday (23rd) that the guaranteed minimum wage for 13 industries such as food, auto manufacturing and construction is 26,400 yuan per year, an increase of 480 yuan from last year, or 2,200 yuan per month. Many netizens have complained about this. Some netizens left a message saying that the minimum wage is RMB 2,200 per month, how can they live? Another netizen said, “The monthly rent for a small room is 2,400 yuan, so I’m ready to go back to my hometown because I can’t float anymore.

Gao Mingsheng, a Beijing scholar, said in an interview that according to the social security salary announced by the Beijing authorities, it is basically impossible to survive: “With an annual income of more than 20,000 yuan in Beijing, there is basically no way to survive, not to mention renting an apartment, and the food alone may not be enough. The cheapest house in Beijing within the fifth ring road may cost 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month for a two-bedroom apartment. Outside the five rings, Yanjiao may be cheaper, 4,000 yuan, 3,000 or so, but it’s out of Beijing.”

Cost of living in global cities Beijing tenth poor people cry out for help

In mid-June, Mercer, the world’s largest human resource management consulting firm, released its 2020 global cost of living rankings for cities, the 26th consecutive year it has done so. Hong Kong ranked first, Tokyo third, Shanghai seventh and Beijing tenth.

Ma Guoming, a Beijing resident, told the station that there are still many poor people in Beijing: “People are treated worse than cats and dogs. The average retirement salary of a farmer is only about 100 yuan. I met some migrant workers from Chengde, Hebei province, on the train, and asked them about their retirement age.

Hu Xijin’s defense of the government angers the public

Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the official media Global Times, said in a microblog posting on the 25th of March, “We often see people complaining that society is becoming more and more unfair, but in terms of income disparity, nannies, caregivers and couriers in China’s cities are the fastest-growing segment of the population, and are directly in line with the white-collar class. China’s civil servants still have higher pensions than workers, but the gap between the two is narrowing year by year. Hu also said that China’s society is too big, and “it’s very difficult to strike a balance,” and that if “we compare ourselves with them, the kind of fairness that everyone is asking for will be lost,” adding that the rich “are, after all, a minority. “.

In response, some netizens responded: “Fairness is in the document, not in the rice bowl. Shandong financial scholar Commander believes that netizens ridiculed Hu’s comments because they were out of touch with reality: “In Beijing, you can say that less than 3,000 yuan a month, it is difficult to guarantee a basic living. It is possible that Hu’s main purpose was to justify his lack of commitment to poverty alleviation. In his commentary, Hu mentions that the income of city nannies and couriers has increased the fastest, as these industries are in the lowest income bracket.

The minimum wage is the minimum compensation that the employer should pay according to the law after deducting social security and housing fund.

Currently, the minimum wage has been criticized as too low not only in Beijing, but also in Shanghai, where it is 2,480 yuan per month, Tianjin, Chongqing, 1,800 yuan, and Guangzhou, 1,895 yuan.