Opium and the Development and Growth of the Chinese Communist Party

If we look at the history of the CCP, we can see that the CCP has never made any secret of the fact that it was established under the support of Soviet Russia, for example, in the declaration issued by the Second Congress of the CCP in 1922, it was stated that “the CCP is the Chinese branch of the International Communist Party. “In 1928, the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party adopted a special chapter stating that “the Chinese Communist Party is a part of the Communist International and is named the ‘Communist Party of China’ and a branch of the Communist International.

In 1923, Chen Duxiu, the first general secretary of the Communist Party, publicly admitted that “the Party receives its funds almost entirely from the Communist International.” Soviet archives also show that after the Sixth Congress of the CCP in 1928, the Soviet Union provided the CCP with more than 600,000 yuan of funding each year.

In other words, the CCP became politically and organizationally part of the international communist dictatorship and economically dependent on it, and opium was included in the financial support the CCP received from the Communist International.

Opium in the financial support of the Communist International

According to an article by Xu Yuangong published in the Huzhou Evening News on May 1, 2011, entitled “The Financial Support of the Communist International in the Early Years of the Chinese Communist Party,” in addition to reiterating that the Communist International was the main source of funding for the CCP’s activities in the early years of its existence, the article also revealed the source of funding based on declassified Russian archives and the memories of those involved.

According to the article, Li Hanjun, one of the early members of the Communist Party in Shanghai, and Chen Duxiu refused the offer of funding from the Comintern, but Chen Duxiu later changed his mind because it was the Comintern’s representative, Marin, who, after Chen Duxiu’s arrest by the French police inspectorate in Shanghai, spent a lot of money to get through the various stages of the trial in the public court, so that Chen Duxiu could be released. After his release, “they also specified the method of receiving subsidies from the Comintern; thereafter the Communist Party received financial support from the Comintern on a regular basis.”

Some sources indicate that the Comintern also provided some financial support for the convening of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Great Course (1921-2001), published by the Communist Party History Press, states that each delegate to the Congress received 100 yuan in travel expenses, which were paid out of the funds provided by Marin. Bao Huisheng, one of the participants of the Communist Party’s Grand Congress, also confirmed this in his reminiscence material: “Around the beginning of July, a notice was sent out for the holding of the congress, and each region was sent two delegates to attend the meeting, and each delegate was given a travel fee of one hundred yuan.”

The article also reveals that in the early days of the Comintern, the funds provided by the Comintern to national Communist parties and Comintern staff abroad were not paper money, but precious jewels, diamonds, and sometimes even opium. Many declassified archives prove that the Comintern used to allocate jewels and diamonds to the authorities in charge of Chinese affairs, who arranged for the sale of jewels, diamonds or other valuable items and then transferred the funds in paper money to the Chinese Communist Party.

For example, the report submitted to the Executive Committee of the Communist International by the Oriental Nationalities Division of the Central Siberian Bureau of the Russian Communist Party (BSP) on December 21, 1920, states: “So far the Oriental Nationalities Division has not received a single dollar or other currency from the central authorities, and without money it is impossible to work in the East …… Indeed, from the Siberian Bureau some valuables (diamonds) have been obtained and have been taken to the East to be sold and $100,000 has been promised, but it will take a long time to sell the diamonds.”

Since the jewels, diamonds and opium were relatively small, the messengers simply hid them in the palms of their leather shoes and the heels of their penny loafers, and a Communist International dossier confirms that the Comintern often sent funds outside the country in this way at the time. Opium, on the other hand, was wrapped in lead paper and duct tape, which sealed the special smell of opium, and hidden in undetectable places in locomotives, motor cars, dining cars, or passenger carriages, where it could be exchanged for high amounts of cash when transported to places like Shanghai.

There is no evidence that the Chinese Communist Party refused the opium provided by the Communist International, and it was sold in Shanghai and other places for a high amount of cash, which was used to finance the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.

Growing opium in Nanniwan

The CCP’s attitude toward the sale of opium became further evident after its escape to Yan’an. The CCP party history states that because of the economic blockade imposed by the Kuomintang on the Shaanxi-Ganjing border area and the anti-Japanese base areas in the spring of 1941, “the Central Committee of the CCP ordered the 359th Brigade of the 8th Route Army to move into Nanniwan to practice cultivation and produce for self-help. …… In just three years, the 359th Brigade, led by Brigadier Wang Zhen, carried forward the revolutionary spirit of ‘self-reliance and hard work’ and transformed Nanniwan, which was covered with thorns and thorns and deserted, into ‘crops everywhere, cattle and sheep everywhere. ‘ The good Jiangnan of northern Shaanxi.”

The truth, however, is that in this Nanniwan, a narrow stream valley located 45 kilometers southeast of Yan’an City in Shaanxi Province, which was often infested with wild animals before reclamation and was sparsely populated, only a small portion of the land was planted with grain, and most of the area was planted with large areas of opium.

According to Zhang Yaojie, a mainland scholar who visited Nanniwan in Yan’an a few years ago, “According to local government officials, Nanniwan was originally the only primitive forest in Yan’an, which was cut down and burned by Wang Zhen’s 359th Brigade in an extremely barbaric and backward way, and then planted large areas of opium. Inside the kiln.”

Zhang Yaojie also revealed that according to his friend who studied the history of the CCP, these things were also recorded in the internal documents of the CCP; however, the CCP deceived the Chinese people for more than half a century by describing the planting of opium in Nanniwan as planting crops and raising cattle and sheep, while Zhang Sid, who refined opium, was described as burning charcoal.

There is evidence that the CCP grew opium to sell to the National Unification Area

There is evidence that the CCP grew opium in Yan’an and sold it for money in “Yan’an Diary” by TASS correspondent and Moscow correspondent in Yan’an Peter Vladimirovoy, “Poppies under the Red Sun: The Opium Trade and the Yan’an Model” by Professor Chen Yongfa, and “The Long March: The Untold Story” by American scholar Harrison Salisbury, all of which have been The Long March: The Untold Story by American scholar Harrison Salisbury has been documented in detail after examination.

The Yan’an Diary, for example, writes: “Illegal opium trading was going on everywhere. For example, in Chaling, the 120th Division headquarters, far behind the lines, has set aside a house to process raw materials from which opium is made and shipped to the market ……” and “The Politburo has appointed Ren Bishi as Commissioner for the opium problem… …”.

When Vladimirov Yo asked Mao: “The peasants of the SAR are often punished for illegal trade in opium, and now even the Communist-led army and organs are openly producing opium – what is going on?” When Mao did not say anything, Deng Fa, who was standing by, answered on Mao’s behalf, “Once upon a time the SAR only shipped salt and alkali to the National Unification Area. We went out with a big trailer full of salt, but the money bag we brought back was deflated, and there was only one money bag. Now we send out a bag of opium and we can bring back a car full of money. We will use this money to buy weapons from the Kuomintang, and then turn around and use these weapons to clean them up! ………… The Politburo of the CCP even approved that the development of public opium production and trade should be strengthened …… to provide the markets (called external markets) of the provinces under the central government within one year At least one million two hundred thousand taels of opium …… opium matter, that is to say, the cultivation and processing of poppies, most of which would be done by the troops to manage. The location of He Long’s 120th Division is the most important area to provide opium (this division has been in this business for a long time) …… Comrade Mao Zedong said that in the current situation, opium is to play a pioneering, revolutionary role, it would be wrong to ignore this, and the Politburo unanimously supported the views of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.”

Vladimirovoye also recorded: “There was a strange phenomenon in the liberated areas, and the same strange phenomenon occurred with the troops of the Chinese Communist Party. They were all doing business with the Japanese in the fallen areas as much as possible …… In fact all the counties in northwest Jin were flooded with all kinds of Japanese goods. These Japanese goods were directly supplied by the Japanese warehouses in the fallen areas ……”.

In addition, some scholars have also checked the file of Huai Taixi County under the sixth special zone of the Communist Party of China Jilu Yu Border District in 1945 that allowed opium tobacco to operate legally and levied opium tobacco tax: “Huai Taixi County Tobacco Tax Collection and Management Interim Measures”.

And in December 1936 Xi’an launched a military revolt, on the side of the Chinese Communist Party, Shaanxi Appeasement Office in Gansu Executive Director Deng Baoshan, not only gave support to Zhang and Yang, but also in 1937 after the full-scale Japanese invasion of China, was appointed by the Kuomintang government as the head of the 21st Army, using the opportunity to station in Yulin, repeatedly to Yan’an and Mao, Zhu and other people to meet. There is information on the Internet that Deng not only smoked opium but also grew opium, opened the door for mutual convenience with Yan’an, and helped Yan’an sell the grown opium to the National Unification Area. This naturally made the Chinese Communist Party overjoyed, and Mao called it “a great virtue, more dare not forget”, while Chiang Kai-shek did not notice.

Ren Bishi as opium commissioner

According to “Yan’an Diary”, the CCP also appointed an opium commissioner, Ren Bishou. His other titles during the war were Representative of the CPC to the Communist International, Secretary General of the CPC Central Committee, and Secretary of the CPC Central Secretariat.

The opium commissioner’s views on opium cultivation are described in an “internal reference” for senior Communist Party officials from the late 1980s: In Yan’an, one evening in the early autumn of the 1930s, Ren Bishou, the Red Army commissioner, and Snow, an American journalist, were walking together along the Yan River when they came to the foot of Baota Mountain, where Ren pointed to The commissioner pointed his finger at a large golden crop to be harvested and said to Snow gratefully, “It’s another good harvest year!”

The young Snow, with a childish look, obviously had not yet caught up with Commissioner Ren’s thoughts. Commissioner Ren continued his conversation, “In previous years, the cotton and cloth produced in the Yan’an Soviet base were pulled out by the truckloads, but not in exchange for the much-needed supplies in the base; in recent years, we have switched to opium cultivation, and truckloads of opium are pulled out, and truckloads of guns and ammunition, salt and medicine and other urgently needed supplies return, and the Yan’an Soviet base is expanding day by day ……”

Perhaps because of such harmful things, it is said that Ren Bishi’s health has not been good, and he died of a cerebral hemorrhage at the end of October 1950.


With opium, the CCP was founded; with opium, the CCP developed and grew, while the Kuomintang was fighting against the war. The Chinese Communist Party eventually seized power in the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and has plagued China and the Chinese people ever since. As we all know, opium is a kind of drug, but the poison of the CCP, which is closely related to opium, is obviously more than opium. Undoubtedly, if China is to recover, the poison of the CCP must be uprooted.