Lava cave found thousands of years of ship-shaped structures suspected of Vikings to pray to prevent the destruction of Satan altar

The stone boat is located deep in a cave.

A group of archaeologists from Brown University discovered a stone ship-shaped structure containing artifacts and animal bones from the Middle East deep in a volcanic cave in northwest Iceland. The team believes these were sacrifices made by Vikings who arrived in the region 1,100 years ago to prevent Satan from causing an apocalyptic plague.

The cave, called Surtsheller Lava Cave, is the longest lava cave in Iceland and a famous tourist attraction. The archaeological team found 63 artifacts in the stone ship, including ornaments from the present-day Iraqi region, as well as some bones of pigs, cattle, sheep, goats and other animals burned by fire.

Kevin Smith, the scholar who led the archaeology, believes that a volcanic eruption scared the Vikings who had just arrived in Iceland, and they feared that it was a harbinger of the end of the world, so they entered the cave when the lava had just begun to cool, and made this boat-shaped structure and sacrifices inside, praying that the disaster would not come.

According to testimony, even after the arrival of the Christian religion in Iceland, the local people still regarded Sulut as the end of the world, and the devil Satan would appear here on the “Day of Judgment” and destroy the world with fire.

Some of the artifacts found in the stone ship.

Icelanders see the area around Solute Lava Cave as the end of the world.