Pennsylvania Hearing Witnesses: More than 570,000 votes for Biden, only 3,200 for Trump

“Gateway Pundit” reported on November 25 that the Pennsylvania General Assembly held a hearing on Wednesday on 2020 election issues and irregularities.

President Trump led Joe Biden by 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania on election night.

Election officials in Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh stopped counting votes on election night because Biden had been completely crushed by President Trump.

Then, suddenly, a large number of ballots cast solely for Joe Biden appeared and saw a huge number of Biden votes added to the results in a short period of time.

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh counted the massive vote dump for Joe Biden without allowing Republican observers to watch the counting process.

On Wednesday, an eyewitness at the hearing described a huge voting “spike” in Pennsylvania, and the crowd gasped.

“Normally, you would see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes …… That’s what [another witness] said, the anomaly of loading and uploading these ballots, so the big spike there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting. ” The witness said.

“So that’s 604,000 tickets in 90 minutes? Is that right?” Giuliani said to the witness.

“Yes. It was 337,000 votes during this period.” The witness said.

“When you see all these spikes on this curve, can you calculate how many votes Biden accounted for and how many votes Trump accounted for?” Giuliani asked.

“Close to 600,000 …… I think our number is about 570,000 plus.”

“And how many votes did Trump have?”

Witness: “I think it was a little over 3,200.”

The crowd and the jury erupted with gasps and laughter.