Tesla rights woman bumper sticker? Comment: focus on the Chinese Communist Party

The woman surnamed Zhang who made a scene at the Tesla booth on April 19 was found to have been picked up by a Tesla competitor, Azera, when she arrived in Shanghai that day, and her pass to the auto show was suspected to have been provided by an Azera supplier, thus making her a suspect. The commentary suggests that this evidence is not enough to draw conclusions, and that the focus should be on the official role and attitude of the Chinese Communist Party.

The woman, Zhang, was released on April 25 after spending five days in administrative detention for causing a scene at a car show. She continued to speak out on Weibo, but netizens discovered that she had entered the show with a “Webster” pass that day, suspecting that the pass may have been provided by Webster, a car parts supplier, and that the car that picked up Ms. Zhang upon her arrival in Shanghai happened to be a The car that picked up Ms. Zhang when she arrived in Shanghai happened to be an Azera, which is Tesla’s biggest competitor in China.

In response, Ms. Zhang said that the brand of car she rode in does not mean that the company is a supporter of the rights issue.

Epoch Times columnist Wang He said it is too early to conclude whether the incident was directed by a Tesla competitor.

The company’s competitors are the ones who ordered the incident,” said Wang He, a columnist for the Epoch Times.

Wang pointed out that the focus of this incident is the role and attitude of the Chinese Communist Party officials.

Wang He: “Tesla has had a series of incidents this year, so not long ago five departments interviewed Tesla, and in March it was rumored that the Chinese Communist Party’s military had placed a ban on Tesla, and Tesla could not use military sensitive areas, like these make people wonder if the Chinese Communist Party is also practicing a strategy of raising sets of killers on Tesla.”

Wang He said the Chinese Communist Party spared no cost and expense to bring Tesla into China with the aim of stealing the technology.

Wang He: “One of the CCP’s schemes is to trade its market for technology, and its aim is to support the development of its own industry, so it enforces technology transfer or technology theft by various means.”

Wang He pointed out that Tesla will become a specimen of the Chinese Communist Party to raise the set to kill, all walks of life are concerned, but from the past performance of the Chinese Communist Party, Tesla is afraid that the end is not optimistic.