The U.S. election was actually about the American people.

In the United States, which has been a model of democracy for hundreds of years, a voting fraud scandal is already enough to astonish the eyes of the world, if you add the mainstream media interference, foreign dignitaries messing with it, the CIA doing the bureau, servers set up in foreign countries or even foreign forces involved, plus interference in the mail ballots, three million dead votes, arbitrarily altered ballots, tearing up ballots… etc. etc., it is simply dazzling, too many to list, a collection of all the voting crimes, it is alarming that the country will not country, is the United States really degenerate to this point.

It is true that the United States has been infiltrated by socialist ideology, but we cannot say that the United States has really degenerated to the point of incorrigibility, it is only because of the important international status of the United States that it attracts various forces to compete, it is only because the presidential election is so important that it attracts the dark forces to die for it.

Trump has now received 72 million votes, if you add the millions of votes destroyed by the opponent, that is about 80 million votes, there are even people who say that if not for the Democratic Party’s four years of tireless smear, impeachment, disinformation, slander, then Trump could even get more than 100 million votes, it can be said that Trump is an outright winner, won the American people’s big winner, however, Trump! The victory of Trump was separated by a dark force known as the “Washington Swamp,” a swamp of ubiquitous conglomerates, tech giants, and a huge bureaucracy that sought to “represent” public opinion, replace it, and ultimately get Trump out of the center of power. The Swamp.

The swamp is so powerful that it can manipulate public opinion, control intelligence and powerful institutions, manipulate election results, and even determine the choice of the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States, the “separation of powers” that we used to learn about in our textbooks. It’s time to change the system to “five powers” separation of powers, which five powers? The traditional three powers are supplemented by the power of media opinion and the power of a large bureaucracy, the latter two of which are actually controlled by American conglomerates and vested interests in the upper echelons of government.

The question is no longer whether Trump can win back his case through evidence and court action. The question now is whether or not the United States is an elected, owned and governed regime of the people? The American people have not only lost their trust in elections, and in the Democratic Party and Biden, they have lost their trust in the current political system’s ability to tolerate the dark forces that have become so rampant. If the world’s most important election can be arbitrarily altered, then the elected regime will have to repay the dark forces that elected it in the first place, and will not be able to represent the interests of the people, or even trample on them to satisfy the endless demands of the dark forces. This country of free lighthouses was transformed step by step into a den of power.

Confucius said: “The defiant dancing of the rowdy dancers in the courtyard is tolerated, but not tolerated. The American people may have lived in a free society for so long that people from former communist countries, especially those under the Chinese Communist Party, can tell you the truth. If you look back at history, you can see how Mao Zedong infiltrated Chiang Kai-shek’s National Unification Zone, how he promised the public before seizing power, and how he took the altar step by step after seizing power, as well as how he hacked away at traditional Chinese society’s religion, culture, and freedom. Mao Zedong’s actions were summed up by the famous essayist and scholar, Nie Qanchen, in five pithy sentences: Tell all lies, do no evil, be full of evil, have no children, and leave a bad reputation. Those who are familiar with contemporary Chinese history will know the weight of these words. If you look at what the Washington Swamp did, how far is what they practiced from what Mao Zedong did?

Only when the great people are awakened, will there be a truly great American President in this free soil, everyone should reflect on themselves, am I an American today? What should I do with this country and our children and grandchildren?