More than 1/3 of the world’s financial sector personal data breaches occurred in Russia

More than one-third of global personal data breaches of banking, financial and insurance companies in 2020 occurred in Russia, Yuri Zhdanov, head of the Russian branch of the International Police Association, told RIA Novosti.

He said, “In 2020, 202 leaks of confidential information from banks, financial and insurance companies were detected worldwide, resulting in the loss of 486 million pieces of personal data and payment information. Leaks in the Russian financial sector increased from 52 to 71 (36.5% increase), with 13.4 million user data records compromised. Russia accounted for 35 percent of the total number of global breaches.”

Zhdanov said that 51 percent of such thefts were committed by “external miscreants” who were not employees of banks and companies. But he noted that the main group of thieves was precisely those working in the financial sector, “generally non-essential employees,” who accounted for 82 percent of the thefts.