Taiwan pineapple is banned, the curator spent 500,000 to support the solidarity of all walks of life

Taiwan pineapple without warning “by” China intercepted quarantine problems for the reason of suspension of imports, so that the outside world questioned whether another political operation.

Mainland China on the 26th, the sudden interception of “quarantine pests” as the reason, announced March 1, “suspend the import of Taiwan pineapples”, causing an uproar from all walks of Life. Always enthusiastic about the public welfare of the netroots “curator” Chen Zhihan, in order to support Taiwan farmers, he said, “spend 500,000 to buy pineapples, recently sent to all members of the venue.” The curator’s righteous voice has triggered support from all walks of life, even President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-teh have also left messages on his Facebook page, expressing their support.

Curator Chen Zhihan speaks out in support of Taiwan pineapple quality

“The “curator” Chen Zhihan immediately spoke out and said, “China banned pineapple event, do not bully the Taiwanese. (Photo source: Central News Agency reporter Ye Zhen photo)

Taiwan pineapple without warning suddenly “was” intercepted quarantine problems for the reason that the suspension of imports, the news came out, let the outside world question whether another political operation, like the “Australian lobster incident” of the replica, the recent Chinese Communist Party because of military aircraft harassment of Taiwan ineffective, on the use of trade The Chinese Communist Party has recently turned to trade tactics to try to pressure Taiwan because military aircraft have failed to harass Taiwan.

In this regard, “curator” Chen Zhihan immediately said, “China banned pineapple incident, do not bully the Taiwanese, the curator spent 500,000 to buy pineapples, recently sent to all venue members, Taiwanese support Taiwan pineapple, Taiwan cheer.”

“curator” Chen Zhihan justice voice triggered support from all walks of life, celebrities and netizens have also responded to China “do not bully the Taiwanese”, netizens are enthusiastic to recommend a variety of pineapple dishes such as pineapple shrimp ball, pineapple fried rice, bitter melon pineapple chicken Soup, pineapple chicken sweet and sour pork, etc. The netizens enthusiastically recommended a variety of pineapple dishes such as pineapple shrimp ball, pineapple fried rice, bitter melon pineapple chicken soup, pineapple chicken sweet and sour pork and other delicious dishes, and said “if no one wants us to eat themselves burst.

Lai Ching-de Facebook posting a number of dignitaries also expressed support for farmers

The quality of pineapples grown by Taiwan farmers is well known, and the quarantine pass rate for export to the mainland is as high as 99.79%, which is a high international standard. (Photo source: Lai Ching-teh’s Facebook)

Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-teh also instantly posted on Facebook on the evening of the 26th to express his support for farmers. He posted and wrote, “Did you buy pineapple today?” And said, can understand some industry friends are afraid to eat pineapple, but “fear is a moment, support farmers is a lifetime”, to Taiwan pineapple innocent was involved in political strife events, feel quite sorry. Lai believes that Taiwan farmers grow pineapples quality has a reputation, exported to the mainland quarantine pass rate of 99.79%, is the international high standard.

This season’s pineapple is sweet, he encouraged everyone to buy more to taste, the health benefits of many, is also Lai Ching-teh’s heart for Taiwan farmers. At the same Time, the recent animation “guinea pig carriage” in the social media storm spread, Lai Qingde posted the “pineapple carriage” photo, plus the message “even if it is pineapple rat carriage, also want to eat it up. ” Instantly, Lai Qingde enthusiastic shouting, “eat burst Taiwan pineapple” amusing thoughts, also become the focus of attention.

Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai also posted on Facebook “eat pineapple support farmers!” (Photo source: Central News Agency)

In addition, Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai also posted on Facebook “eat pineapples to support farmers”, and even President Tsai Ing-wen left a message praising “Qimai’s action is fast!” Vice President Lai Qingde left a message “Kaohsiung pineapple sweet and fragrant, support farmers, eat up!”

Pingtung County Governor Pan Mengan posted on Facebook “Support Taiwan pineapple well! Pingtung multi-pronged approach to help farmers!” Pingtung legislator Chuang Rui-hsiung also said “Pingtung golden diamond pineapple juicy taste beautiful Xiong praise!” Jiang Qichen evening through Facebook also said, “the mainland side should also uphold the goodwill, should not have political factors to consider.” Taiwan all walks of life one person support Taiwan pineapple, defy the power to suppress, China does not buy, Taiwan will sell to the world.

It is reported that before China had to “ban the import of agricultural products” to retaliate against Australia, now also use the same means to suddenly ban Taiwan pineapple, in response, Taiwan Agricultural Committee also plans four major measures, respectively, is to fight for due trade rights, export 30,000 tons of markets other than China, incentives for export policy ready to put in place, expand the use of diversified processing 20,000 tons. Lai said that the government of the Republic of China will do a good job in response to measures, careful to prevent mangoes, Sakka, grapefruit and other agricultural products exported by the same suppression, the government of the Republic of China will definitely fight for the maximum rights and interests of farmers.