Tell us a little secret about your industry.

Reddit Q & A Edition: for people working in a variety of industries to tell a little secret about their industry.

-Previously worked in HR for some small companies and would like to tell you that the job requirements are just something like a wish list, don’t be intimidated by the content, be brave and submit your resume, especially for small companies.

-Italian restaurant chef for 5 years: upscale restaurant with ridiculously high butter content in every dish.

-French restaurant chef: the only thing in our restaurant that doesn’t contain butter is salads and drinks.

-Bath Product Practitioner: all discontinued lines will be available again, just in a different packaging and name.

-In fact, many therapists/counselors should be sitting in the same seat you’re sitting in, so if you think your therapist looks a bit manic… congratulations.

-Ex-plane maintenance post: don’t fly pets in. The cargo hold is actually very harsh, hot, stuffy and noisy, and honestly unbearable for human ears, let alone dogs.

-I design slot machines for casinos. My industry secret is: don’t play the slots.

-If you buy nut and cereal in bulk, I’ll tell you what, the bucket that holds them is never washed.

-The cheaper the booze in the restaurant, the higher the profit margin.

-All entertainment numbers are machine generated and the numbers are fake, including sales.

-It’s almost $200,000 to be on the “XX Times” bestseller list. Spend $200,000 on your own book, get on the list and wait for the sales to go up. You’ll get your $200,000 back eventually.

-When I was in sales, I had a client who was a dairy and the product they put in the regular milk crates was exactly the same as the organic milk crates. But what I didn’t realize was that all milk was organic, they just didn’t want to miss out on the non-organic market.

-diet industry professionals: most of our customers, are repeat customers. It’s not that dieting doesn’t work, it’s just that it’s so easy to bounce back.

-What most established artists do is come up with an idea, and then hire a bunch of art school students to help them with the whole thing.

-Close your eyes when you wash your hair at the barbershop. We don’t like customers staring at us.

-Work is fossil reproduction. You can see from my profession that the fossils you see in museums are basically copies.

-Former California marijuana practitioner: Pesticide testing is fraudulent. All practitioners don’t smoke.

-Dentists: the active ingredient in almost all toothpastes is fluoride. The formula is almost identical for all of Colgate’s product lines. The only exception is the anti-allergy toothpaste, which does have additional ingredients added, but the rest is marketing.

-HR Practitioner: we exist simply to ensure that company interests are not violated by employees.

-The cost of vodka is very, very low, and the glass bottle is worth less than the alcohol. 10 is a lot different than 20. 20 is not so different than 30. 30 is almost the same as 80.

-Teachers: It’s much harder to deal with parents than students.