Why do people snore and how to relieve it?

Sleeping and snoring is a peculiar experience.

For example, if you’re sleeping in the same bed as someone who snores, and you happen to be one of the shallow sleepers.

That’s why I once suspected that Loki and Thor had turned against each other in the Women’s League because he couldn’t stand the sound of Thor’s snoring in his sleep, after all, people say snoring is like thunder.

In the folk belief, snoring and snoring is a good sleep of a person’s performance, the most just cause some trouble to others. However, modern medical research shows that snoring, does not represent a high quality of sleep, but is precisely a reaction of the body to its own discomfort during sleep.

To understand this, you have to start with the cause of snoring.

Why do people snore?

It’s not that you’re gifted with a woofer in your throat, but like whistling, the airflow is not flowing smoothly.

When breathing, airflow has to enter through the mouth, nose, and throat into the trachea, and if any part of this in-between process is not smooth, it can make a sound. This lack of smoothness for some people may be an abnormality in the physiological structure of these areas themselves, however, for most people, it is the corresponding soft tissue relaxation and collapse during sleep, resulting in obstruction of ventilation.

Snoring, therefore, often means that when you sleep: you’re not breathing well.

So why do you have trouble breathing? The problem is in the above mentioned areas of the mouth, nose and throat. There are many reasons for this, such as

You don’t sleep well enough! lying flat is a common sleeping position, however, lying flat can cause the tongue and soft palate to drop down, blocking the airway and causing snoring.

You’ve had too much to drink! Drinking alcohol and taking sedative drugs that relax the throat pharyngeal muscles and make snoring more likely.

You’re not drinking enough water! When the body is dehydrated, nasal and pharyngeal secretions are thicker, increasing the symptoms of snoring.

You stayed up late! Sleep becomes deep after working late at night for long periods of time so that the pharyngeal muscles are more likely to relax and worsen symptoms of airway obstruction.

Your nasal cavity is blocked! When the nasal passages are blocked due to conditions such as colds or allergies, the airflow of breath becomes rapid and one is prone to snoring.

Your pillow is dirty! Dust mites and pet dander are potential allergens. Allergens present in mattresses and pillows can exacerbate nasal congestion and cause snoring or make it worse.

And last but not least, there’s a very common cause: fat

Too much flesh piled up on the neck of a fat person may collapse the airways, which may lead to snoring. That’s why when this person is fat, his own body dislikes him.

To alleviate the snoring situation you have to start with the above causes, such as.

Try a side sleeping position to reduce snoring problems associated with lying flat, or buy a sleep pillow that is the same length as your body to maintain a side sleeping position.

abstaining from drinking alcohol, especially 4 to 5 hours before bedtime.

Hydration, or a humidifier indoors.

Regular work and rest, good sleep habits, early to bed and early to rise.

Keep nasal passages clear, if snoring is caused by nasal obstruction, make nasal passages clear to relieve snoring symptoms, take a hot bath and use a ventilated nose patch before bedtime.

Keep the bed clean, wash the pillows and pillowcases in time, and choose the right height of pillows at the same time.

Losing weight may help relieve snoring symptoms for people who only started snoring after getting fat, but it doesn’t do much for people who snore who are well proportioned or already thin.

If you have been bothered by snoring for a long time, or you have been bothered by snoring on your pillow for a long time, you can try some of the above methods to relieve the snoring situation.

But if after trying the above but it doesn’t work at all, or the usual snoring is not the kind of light snoring, but a very strong and irregular snoring sound.

This should be considered if you are suffering from “sleep apnea syndrome”.

Sleep apnea syndrome is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops during sleep. There are three general types of sleep apnea: obstructive, central nervous system and mixed sleep apnea.

Obstructive is the most common and is caused by the soft tissues around the throat relaxing, causing the upper airway to become blocked and the airway to narrow causing sleep apnea.

For example, some people may snore loudly in their sleep for a while, then suddenly have no sound at all, then after a few tens of seconds, there is a rapid breathing sound, then the snoring starts again, and later they stop breathing again.

This is because the soft tissues block the airways, causing the snorer to lack oxygen during sleep, this situation will affect sleep, causing waking up at night due to lack of oxygen, daytime attention, lack of energy, and long-term lack of oxygen will cause damage to the vascular endothelium, inflammatory response, etc., and eventually cause a series of cardiovascular problems.

Worse, people with severe sleep apnea are at risk of sudden death in their sleep, which can really cause.

fall asleep

So, if you find that snoring appears abnormal, such as strong, irregular snoring and so on. It is necessary to go to the hospital early, many large hospitals have carried out sleep medicine programs or even specialties, able to conduct professional sleep monitoring, which is the main means of diagnosing sleep apnea.

At this stage, treatment for sleep apnea includes several main types.

  1. To regulate daily habits of life (the above-mentioned points).
  2. The patient is fitted with an oral appliance, which is this.
  3. Use of CPAP, a home respirator
  4. surgical surgery. It is mainly used for those patients who have problems with the pharyngeal structure itself, or have lesions in the nasal cavity, but surgery may not be able to completely remove the obstruction, and some patients still need to be treated with CPAP after surgery.

The specific treatment, of course, requires.

Listen to the doctor.

But Dr. Clove said early detection of sleep apnea brings to mind a rather awkward question.

If you sleep alone all the time, do you not notice the abnormality of your snoring and then miss the treatment? and then ……