6 Emotions That Leave Scratches on the Heart

Happy, Sad, Angry, Sad …… Why is there a “heart” in words related to emotions? “The word? Because the heart is so sensitive, it not only senses people’s emotions, but also leaves a deep mark on itself due to changes in mood. The Life Times interviewed experts to tell you how different emotions affect the heart.

Excitement, tension, blood vessels will “cramp”.

When people are in a state of excessive excitement, tension, anxiety and other stress, the sympathetic nerves will be very excited, easily inducing vasospasm.

During vasospasm, the smooth muscle of blood vessels will contract strongly, narrowing the blood vessels and reducing blood flow to organs, thus inducing coronary artery or cerebral artery spasm. If it occurs in the coronary arteries, severe angina, heart attack or arrhythmia can also occur.

Stress can increase blood pressure.

When a person is stressed, stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine increase in the body, resulting in a series of reactions such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and vasoconstriction.

Prolonged exposure to stress also causes cholesterol to rise, blood sugar to rise, and platelet viscosity to increase, and these stress reactions gradually damage the vascular system, leading to hypertension and vascular damage, and even becoming a trigger for a heart attack.

Hostility, resentment, and heart breakdown

Hostile emotions include cynicism and resentment, and the long-term presence of these emotions can scar your heart.

Researchers at the University of Tennessee and the University of Kentucky studied 2,321 heart patients with an average age of 67 and found that 57 percent had hostile feelings.

The threat to heart health from constant antagonism and hostility is as great as that from traditional factors such as smoking and high cholesterol levels, and such emotions are more likely to trigger acute heart attacks and angina.

Sadness, a “broken heart”

Under the stimulation of these excessive hormones, the heart can change its apical spherical shape, and the contraction ability of the heart muscle is suddenly weakened, inducing severe chest pain, breathlessness, shortness of breath and other symptoms similar to heart disease, called “broken heart syndrome”, also known as “stress cardiomyopathy”.

This doesn’t mean that the heart is really “broken”, just that the pain feels like a broken heart. After treatment, the prognosis for broken heart syndrome is usually good, but some people die from induced ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest that is not revived in time.

Anger, induced atrial fibrillation

Studies have found that men who are angry have a 20 to 30 percent increased risk of AF over 10 years, and women who like to take their anger out on others have a 30 percent increased risk of AF.

Panic, work stress, and negative emotions have also been linked to the development of AFib. Bad moods can also cause more frequent episodes in people who already have AFib. Conversely, pleasant emotions have a protective effect against the development of AF.

Loneliness, holding back coronary heart disease

The famous “Roseto effect” in the field of psychosomatic medicine is a story about a small town called Roseto in Pennsylvania, USA. In the 1960s, an American doctor named Stuart Wolfe was surprised to learn that the residents of Roseto had a very low mortality rate from heart disease, with the death rate from heart disease for men over the age of 65 being only half of the death rate from heart disease in the United States.

After follow-up research, it was found that although the residents had the same predisposing factors for heart disease as the rest of the community, Roseto had a community atmosphere of helping each other. Neighbors watch out for each other, several generations under one roof, “lonely” The word “repression” has nothing to do with the people of Roseto.

Unfortunately, the incidence of coronary heart disease in the town continues to rise as the next generation leaves the traditional way of life behind and retreats into small, isolated homes. This is a testament to the importance of a warm and harmonious community life in the fight against heart disease.

“Warm heart” suggests.

Every excessive mood swing is a heart wreck.

When intense anxiety, tension, anger, fear, depression, etc. come to you, find a less crowded place and shout out, or heal yourself by reducing the production of stress hormones through deep breathing, meditation, music therapy, Ba Duan Jing, Tai Chi and yoga.

When a heart patient is stressed, inhale deeply for 5 seconds, then exhale deeply for 5 seconds, and repeat to help calm the mood.

People who have been in a bad mood for a long time and are unable to resolve it on their own can consult a psychiatrist for help. If you have a sudden emotional shock and experience chest tightness, chest pain, panic attacks or breathlessness, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Dr. Jiang Yuesong, Director of Cardiovascular Center, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China.