Leftist class struggle tears apart American society

The core of Marxism is class struggle, and the left in the US still preaches class struggle, and in recent years has replaced class with race, introducing a critical race theory that blames any difference in outcomes on racial discrimination and oppression. It also says that if you are not an anti-racist, then you are a racist, which means you must join them or you are the enemy.

They have been pushing DIVERSITY (diversity) and in recent years have instituted mandatory courses in universities to indoctrinate young people, like political science classes in China. Diversity comes under the banner of tolerance, but anyone who says facts that they don’t like becomes a target for their cancellation. This kind of brainwashing and intimidation will not be new to anyone from China. Trump is one of the very few who has the courage to oppose this, and that is why the left hates Trump in the extreme.

Marxism says that if there is oppression, there is resistance, and there is justification for rebellion, so if there is excessive law enforcement by individual police officers against black people, the leftist media will certainly hype it up, and after it leads to vandalism, Trump will condemn it and ask for troops to stop it, then Trump will become a racist, a white supremacist, and a fascist. A CNN anchor said: “Who said the protest should be peaceful?

Don’t think that the left loves black people. They love the black vote, they love that blacks are the oppressed in their neo-Marxist narrative. Before the 1960s, the Democratic Party was the exact opposite of what it is now. For example, on March 26, 1964, 18 of the 19 senators who voted against the Civil Rights Act were Democrats. After that the Democrats began to turn to blacks, but they still played the race card. Instead of creating jobs for blacks, as Trump has done, they make blacks dependent on themselves through welfare. Instead of improving the educational environment in primary and secondary schools in black neighborhoods, they imposed implicit racial quotas on college admissions. Asian kids are the biggest victims of this hidden quota, denied 20% of seats at Ivy League colleges. This is discrimination under the guise of anti-discrimination.

Harvard has created a “character” section outside of extracurricular activities that gives Asian kids low scores, which actually denigrates Asian kids. Most Asian kids growing up in America are outgoing and serve their communities, so why denigrate them as having bad character? Most of them come from average families and achieve good grades through their own hard work and self-discipline, so why deny them the opportunity to be educated in the best schools?

The left in California is going to referendum a bill in this election to consider race in college and job search because they feel their current set up is like shoveling snow with a spoon, it is not enjoyable. I’m not opposed to appropriate accommodations for minorities, especially for kids from low-income families or families whose parents didn’t go to college. But the current practice is so unfair to Asian kids. The Trump administration’s mention of college admissions policies is a way to get justice for these children. Asian parents should not forget that Trump is helping your children.

Compassion is the noblest of human virtues. We should especially have compassion for the current situation of black people, especially black children. But in the black community where the Democrats have been ruling for a long time, black people are shooting black people every day and these leftist media don’t look into it. 70% of black children are growing up in single parent homes and the leftist media is even more blind to this problem. To help blacks, I think we should do what Trump has done, create jobs and move manufacturing jobs back to the US, while emphasizing law and order and increasing the police force in black communities that are predominantly black, not abolishing the police as the left says. Hollywood celebrities living in mansions with private security and performing on TV to repent of white privilege are just fine, but their call to abolish the police is actually dangerous because many of the victims will be innocent ordinary black people, or ordinary people without private security. The fact that blacks and Hispanics who voted for Trump this time around are up from 2016 shows that they also realize that Trump’s push for job creation and law and order is good for them.

The scary thing about the left is the deception that is played with compassion. An example of this is the harm they have done to Asian children as mentioned above. An even scarier example is abortion, if you are anti-abortion, he says you hate women’s reproductive rights, do you protect women by allowing an unborn child to be strung to pieces?

I’m not denying welfare, as a society we have a responsibility to give the old a sense of security, the strong a sense of purpose, the young a sense of growth, the reserved, the widowed, the orphaned, the solitary, the invalid and the sick a sense of support. The leftists show compassion, but they don’t invite the homeless or poor illegal immigrants into their homes for a temporary stay. Their logic is, I treat, you spend; I am generous, you suffer.

When you do something, the means take precedence over the end. If you really have a compassionate heart, you should not have a vicious heart and you should not incite hatred. The identity politics of the left is actually creating divisions and hatred among different ethnic groups, and for the left now, it is a sin to quote Martin Luther King Jr. about not caring about skin color. The previous period of vandalism in particular was an explosion of hatred.

I absolutely do not discriminate against black people, and I have a black friend who has been very kind to me and my family, and I am grateful for that. I also believe that there are black people, especially older black people, who have had the painful experience of being discriminated against growing up. But the media and politicians who never forget the class struggle only create more hate and tear, and are adding fuel to the fire.

Why does the left make a big deal out of race? Because they believe that capitalism is racism. They want to change the American economic system. They also hate Western civilization and traditional values and believe that these are racist and instill this hatred in young people.

I’m not referring to all Democrats. The Democrats I know are all very moderate and agree with what I say. They too are worried about the far left nut jobs costing them the election again, but they are not worried about what these nut jobs who put on a show in the media can accomplish in Congress and what bills they can pass. I think they are too naive.

The so-called left-wing progressive intellectuals in China a hundred years ago promised to build a heaven on earth, but instead they created a hell on earth in 1949, and ended up being the ones who were swallowed up even by themselves and carried the notoriety of being rightists or counter-revolutionaries. Many people from the former communist countries can easily see through the lies of the leftists. But the way these leftist progressives and the people they deceived, especially the young people, seem to never stop until they enjoy a taste of communist hell once is really a long sigh.