A vice president of Hunan High Court was killed

Internet rumors that Zhou Chunmei, deputy head of the First Division of Trial Supervision of the Hunan Provincial High People’s Court, was killed, on January 12, nine news reporters learned from informed sources that the matter is true.

In a pre-appointment announcement of the Hunan High Court in May 2016, Zhou Chunmei was appointed by the Hunan Provincial High Court Civil Trial Division No. 1 at the level of assistant trial judge, to be proposed for appointment as deputy head of the Trial Supervision Division No. 1 of the Hunan Provincial High People’s Court, trial judge.

According to the information publicly available on the Internet, Zhou Chunmei, female, born in January 1976, Miao ethnicity, Hunan Longshan people, members of the CPC, graduate LLM.

Currently, she is an assistant judge of the First Division of Civil Trial of the Hunan Provincial High People’s Court.