Storming Congress is a Pre-Set Trap for the Left Giuliani Explains Suspicious

After the U.S. Congress was rocked on Jan. 6, Democrats, some Republicans and the U.S. mainstream media accused Trump of encouraging his supporters to create the riot. But evidence is mounting that the incident may have been a set-up by Trump’s opponents. Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani posted a Youtube video explaining the suspicious aspects of the incident. But the video was quickly deleted by Youtube officials.

Giuliani 9 in his personal Youtube channel released a video entitled “January 6 in the end what happened? The video, titled “What really happened on January 6?” on his personal Youtube channel, stated that it was not Trump supporters who led the riot to Congress.

  1. The riots that hit Congress were planned before the “Save America” rally, because they had ropes, hammers, sticks, and even special tools to break glass and chemicals, milk that can wash away tear gas, and several people who are particularly good at climbing walls.
  2. There is video and evidence at the scene that most of the people who entered the Capitol were let in by Capitol Hill police.
  3. People who entered the Capitol brought walkie-talkies and advanced camera equipment.
  4. A witness testified, “I heard them say, ‘We’ve got to stir up the pot and make these people look bad.’ I saw them smash a glass on Capitol Hill.”

Giuliani said Trump supporters did not create outrage or go overboard at the Jan. 6 rally, though the Democratic Party, which controls the mainstream media, wants to blame Trump for the riots, “I don’t believe in violence, I don’t think violence solves anything, and I believe violence is often used to discredit decent causes…Unfortunately politics and violence sometimes are intertwined. In terms of public opinion right now, as you can predict, is that because the mainstream media is so hateful of Trump and the mainstream media is controlled by Democratic politicians, they are ready to blame Trump for the riots.”

The video was quickly removed from Youtube. It was part of the abuse of power and frantic strangulation rhetoric by the U.S. high-tech giant after Jan. 6.

But the video was saved and reposted by netizens. Meanwhile Giuliani also reposted the video on his personal website.

One other bizarre detail on Jan. 6 raised questions from observers. That is, Utah resident John Sullivan “coincidentally” filmed the shooting of Ashli Babbitt, a Trump-supporting U.S. Air Force veteran, in full clarity.

This John Sullivan, however, is not a Trump supporter. Instead, he was the founder of the far-left Black Lives Matter group Rebel America.

The Daily Mail and CNN interviewed Sullivan about the Jan. 6 shooting, but neither media outlet gave a satisfactory answer in their reports as to why Sullivan was at the scene of the shooting in the first place. Sullivan even pointed out to the Daily Mail that he didn’t go to Capitol Hill to protest, but he also didn’t disclose his real reason for going to Capitol Hill.

Giuliani also questioned this in the above video.

Kyle Becker, an independent journalist and former Fox employee, tweeted to denounce the smear campaign against Trump supporters by the left and mainstream media: “Tens of thousands burned, looted and rioted for months. Dozens were killed. The media called them ‘peaceful protests’ because the crimes were committed by only 7-10% of the total number of people who attended. thousands protested on Jan. 6. Now, are all Trump supporters ‘inciting subversion’? That’s an evil, dangerous lie.”

In the wake of the January 6 congressional chaos, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube launched a massive culling and suspension of accounts, banning, and artificially censoring the number of followers of Trump, pro-Trumpers, and core members of the Trump administration in the following two days. Some people on Twitter angrily sighed: American justice is gone, and the whole country has fallen into the era of digital totalitarianism.