Former Trump Personal Lawyer Stumps for Democrats, Offers Testimony on Trump and Trump Family

U.S. media outlet The Gateway Pundit reported Sunday (Jan. 10) that Michael Cohen, Trump‘s former personal attorney, said he is working with Democrats to provide testimony from Trump and the Trump family.

Yet the Gateway Pundit reports that Giuliani (D-N.Y.) said last July that Cohen is a pathological liar with a history of perjury and has given false sworn testimony. In other words, Cohen’s sworn testimony told lies.

The Gateway Pundit commented that the Democrats would not only be satisfied with destroying President Trump, but planned to have the entire Trump family suffer. Now, the Democrats have brought in Trump’s former personal lawyer Cohen to stand up for them and help them achieve their evil goals. The message these shameless people are sending to all Americans is never consider challenging our power or we will destroy you.