Twitter permanently bans Trump Celebrity host Limbaugh deactivates Twitter account

Rush Limbaugh, a prominent conservative talk show host.

On Friday (8), Twitter permanently banned President Trump‘s account on the social media platform, where Trump has 88.6 million followers. On the same day, Rush Limbaugh, a prominent conservative talk show host, deactivated his Twitter account.
Twitter confirmed that Limbaugh’s account @RealRLimbaugh had been “deactivated” by its owner, USA Today reported on 8 August. This comes on the same day that Twitter banned Trump.

Limbaugh, considered a leading conservative talk show host, has been broadcasting to listeners over the airwaves for more than 30 years and is the most listened to radio host in the country, with 15.5 million weekly listeners as of December 2019, according to Talkers, which tracks talk radio listenership.

Limbaugh is a staunch Trump supporter, and his Twitter account @RealRLimbaugh had maintained a similar style to Trump’s @RealDonaldTrump.

On the same day, Twitter permanently banned Trump’s account for “possible incitement to violence. Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were also blocked, and the suspension is indefinite, at least until Trump’s term ends on the 20th.

Late Friday, Trump sent messages to his supporters using @POTUS, a government account reserved for the president of the United States. Trump said he would negotiate with other social media sites to find a new online platform and even said he would consider creating his own in the future. “We will not be silent!” , “Stay tuned!”

Trump lashed out at Twitter for continuing to censor and ban conservatives, accusing it of having no free speech and that big technology is all about creating a platform for the “radical left” and allowing only some of the world’s most vicious people to speak freely.

Trump’s tweets were quickly censored and deleted by Twitter, but the @POTUS account was not shut down.

Screenshot of deleted Trump tweets.
On Friday night, Twitter also permanently suspended Team Trump’s @TeamTrump account, and Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn were added to the permanent blacklist.