Rasmussen poll: Trump’s approval rating rises to 51% after D.C. protests

The latest Rasmussen Reports poll shows that President Donald Trump‘s approval rating has risen again to a record high of 51 percent following the Jan. 6 protests by millions of people in Washington, D.C., according to Newsmax TV, one of the most accurate polls in the 2020 election.

Rasmussen, one of the most accurate pollsters in the 2020 U.S. election, released its latest poll on Thursday night, Jan. 7, showing that President Trump’s approval rating has soared to 51 percent, up from 45 percent before Christmas, Newsmax TV reported.

On Jan. 6, as a joint session of Congress was convened to certify the new president, a woman was shot and killed when people under the banner of “Trump supporters” stormed the Capitol and caused a riot. The incident also caused the certification process to be interrupted for a while. Since then, the leftists, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, blamed President Trump for the incident in Congress and pressured Vice President Mike Pence to remove him from office under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, otherwise she would initiate a second impeachment process against the president. And Pence rejected Pelosi’s offer.

A Rasmussen poll taken after the violence in Congress found that 48 percent of the public approved of President Trump’s job performance, while overall approval of President Trump rose to 51 percent.

Newsmax quoted a source as saying that for months, Americans have been disgusted by the many riots and arson that have occurred in major cities, but the mainstream media has done nothing about it, but this time made a big deal out of the congressional events. He said, “(No matter what happens), people still love Trump.”

On Jan. 7, Republican U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ariz.) said the riot that broke into Congress was an orchestrated attack by Antifa to frame Trump supporters. He provided multiple lines of evidence. The District of Columbia’s top federal prosecutor also said that a Capitol Police officer allegedly opened a barricade for the protesters before the riot, allowing them to enter the Capitol.

Video of the storming of the Capitol shows the Antifa thugs banging on the Capitol windows with batons, damaging the glass, while Trump supporters shouted, “Antifa! Antifa! Antifa!” There were also people on the scene who testified that he saw police escorting several carloads of Antifa into the rally, and he had the video to prove it.

President Trump released a video of his speech after the incident in Congress. In the speech, he condemned the mob’s lawlessness and said that the violently disruptive crowd was unrepresentative of the country. Shortly after, Trump tweeted again, “75 million great American patriots voted for me, America First, to make America great again. They will have a huge voice for a long time to come. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”