Japan’s daily increase in new infections approaching 10,000 people

Currently, the number of new coronavirus infections in Japan is growing extremely fast and is approaching 10,000 people in a single day. In Japan, 7,882 people were newly diagnosed with the new coronavirus on the 8th, a record high for the fourth consecutive day.

On the 5th, there were 4,914 new infections in Japan, and on the 6th, the number exceeded 6,000, reaching 6,001, a new record high, and on the 7th, 7,570, and if the number grows at this rate, it will exceed 10,000 in a few days.

Since the past week, Tokyo has 2,268 new infections on the 9th, 2,392 new infections on the 8th, more than 2,000 people for three consecutive days, until the 8th, the average number of infections in Tokyo in a day of the week exceeded 1,460 people.

The number of infected people in Kanagawa, Osaka, Osaka, Saitama, Saitama, and Chiba was 838, 654, 496, and 455 on the 8th, all new records, and the number of infected people increased sharply, centering on the 1 city and 3 prefectures that issued emergency declarations. Together with Hyogo, Tochigi and Kyoto, a total of 17 prefectures set new highs. The number of deaths on that day was 78, also a record high.

Although only three prefectures in the metropolitan area have issued declarations of emergency, the governor of Osaka Prefecture, Yofumi Yoshimura, said on January 7 that he was considering asking the central government to issue a declaration of emergency. The governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Takatoshi Nishiwaki, and the governor of Hyogo Prefecture, Toshizo Ito, also stated on the same day that they would discuss the direction of issuing a declaration of emergency, and each of the three prefectures held a meeting at their respective countermeasure headquarters on the 8th and decided on the 9th to hold a meeting between the governors of the three prefectures and the Minister in charge of economic regeneration, Minoru Nishimura, who is in charge of countermeasures against the new strain of influenza, to request the government to re-implement the declaration of emergency in the three areas in accordance with the New Influenza Special Measures Act. The declaration was made.

The governor of Aichi Prefecture, Hidetaki Omura, said that he will discuss the additional targets to be included in the emergency declaration based on the observation of the outbreak as of the weekend. Gifu Prefecture will also follow the same pace as Aichi Prefecture and follow up on the development of the epidemic.