What are the surprising benefits of sex?

The male semen contains an important antibacterial substance, semen cytoplasmin, which can prevent the synthesis of bacterial RNA once it enters the bacterial cells. It is a good idea to have 1-2 times a week when the semen enters the vagina and gradually reaches the uterus and fallopian tubes through the cervix to disinfect and sterilize.

Wonder effect 1: help to eliminate insomnia

All of us desire a deep, sweet sleep, but insomnia, caused by a variety of reasons, often plagues us all. Women, in particular, are more prone to insomnia. When a harmonious sex life is experienced, the tense and excited body starts to relax and the muscles are able to stretch out from the tiredness after the satisfaction, and sleep comes naturally, helping to eliminate insomnia. And the more satisfying sex life, the easier it is to fall asleep afterwards.

Miracle #2: Reduces Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

In women, the increased blood flow into the pelvis during the 5-7 days before menstruation may cause swelling and cramping, leading to bloating or abdominal pain. The muscle contraction exercise during sex can encourage blood to flow out of the pelvic area faster and enter the general circulation, while reducing the pressure on the pelvis, thus reducing abdominal discomfort.

Miracle Effect #3: Semen helps disinfect the female vagina

It has been proved that semen has an antibacterial substance, seminal cytokinin, which kills pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus. So it can help protect the female genitals from microorganisms. Women who haven’t had sex for a long time are more likely to suffer from vaginitis, endometritis, and oviductitis.

Miracle Effect #4: Helps protect the young mind

According to Japanese medical research, the sexual atrophy of “use it to advance and retreat” also applies to people who lack a sex life. Proper sex life helps to prevent brain aging and promote metabolism, memory is also stronger.

Effect 5: Effectively reduce the occurrence of heart disease and myocardial infarction

Sex allows more movement of the pelvis, limbs, joints, muscles and spine, improves blood circulation, heart function and lung capacity. People who have a harmonious sex life have at least a 10% lower risk of heart disease than those who have a discordant sex life.

Miracle #6: Reduce or relieve pain

That sex has the same effect as aspirin may sound a bit miraculous. However, feedback from a large number of medical institutions has confirmed that sex stimulates the central nervous system of the brain to secrete a chemical called aminopolyphenols, which are quite effective in reducing pain.

Miracle #7: Reduces the occurrence of skin diseases

Poor blood circulation to the skin can lead to skin conditions such as acne and dark spots. And moderate sex will accelerate blood circulation, balanced metabolism, make the skin clean and tender, and play a role in the prevention and control of skin diseases.

Wonder effect eight: improve the immune system’s ability to resist disease

Modern civilized life has instead made people’s immune systems more fragile than ever. Colds, high blood pressure, and various ulcers are often impossible to avoid. Sex can make adrenaline balanced secretion, muscle contraction, and then relaxation, thus forming a virtuous circle, so that the immune system can be maintained in a better state.

Nine wonders: promote female reproductive health

Estrogen enables women to maintain good structure and function of the circulatory system, and women who have a regular sex life have much higher levels of estrogen than those who have occasional coital sex. This will strengthen the physiological function of the ovaries, normalize menstruation, delay menopause, and increase vaginal secretions with every sexual intercourse, preventing the vaginal mucosa from drying out.

Miracle effect ten: slow down the aging

In women around the age of thirty-five, bones begin to loosen, and sex regulates cholesterol, maintains bone density, and slows down osteoporosis. It makes the whole person look lighter in gait and more flexible.

Miracle eleven: makes men stronger

A healthy and moderate sex life can increase testosterone production, make men more muscular, gain weight, improve bone marrow hematopoiesis, and also reduce body fat accumulation.

Miracle effect 12: Relief and inhibitory effects

Men have sex every day to enhance fertility, making out when the woman cares the most, health care him, help protect the mind young. Most of the male libido is generally strong for energy, memory and willpower are strong, which also shows that proper sex life on the brain health care does have a certain role.

Health Tip: Proper sex helps prevent brain aging and boosts metabolism, as well as memory. However, this can only be within the “proper” range, if too frequent, sex will only bring damage to the brain.

Miracle 13: Helps relieve mental stress

Some men will consciously or unconsciously choose to use sex to relieve stress, and proper sex can indeed relieve male stress and promote harmony in married life. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, this is the effect of balancing yin and yang.