Mexican president criticizes Facebook for blocking Trump’s account, rejects U.S. congressional riots

After the riots broke out in the US Congress on Wednesday (6), social networks Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and others rallied to block President Trump. Mexican President Francois Ovrador on Thursday (7) a rare incident to defend Trump, criticizing the social network’s decision to block his account.

Ovrador, who has always been seen as a Trump ally, said, “I don’t like the idea of someone being censored or having their right to post on Twitter or Facebook taken away, and I don’t agree with that and I don’t accept that.” He argued that social networks should not act like an inquisition for heresy, punishing people for statements they find hurtful, questioning where the rule of law lies, saying it should be a matter for the government, not private companies.

Meanwhile, Ovrador refused to condemn Trump’s supporters for breaking into the U.S. Congress and destroying it, saying his policy is not to interfere in the affairs of other countries and only expressed regret for the lives lost in the incident. The president’s spokesman later reiterated on Twitter that Facebook’s decision to silence the current leader had caused a controversy over freedom of expression.