The most humiliating day in U.S. history? Democrats have since taken control of U.S. politics, announcing two Democratic victories for Senate in Joe

On Wednesday (Jan. 6), Georgia’s Senate runoff election saw two Democratic Senate candidates steal two seats in the Georgia Senate after the election rules and methods equipment were all business as usual and the Republican lead was called off. This helped the Democrats gain an advantage in the Senate, where the Democrats now hold the majority of seats in both houses of the U.S. Congress, the U.S. media noted, which is good for the progressives to advance their agenda. commentator Wang Dulan said this is the most humiliating day in U.S. history.

As a result, the two U.S. parties will each hold 50 votes in the Senate, but considering that Harris is also a Democrat with a deciding vote as Senate president, the Democrats are equal to taking the majority of the Senate. In addition to the House of Representatives, the Democrats have once again “taken over” the legislative and executive power of the United States, including the majority of the House of Representatives, the majority of the Senate and the President.

For the Georgia results, the Trump camp questioned the existence of significant signs of vote graft in this Senate election. The Biden camp denied and declared that two Democrats won. chief commentator Wang Dulan analyzed that according to the current situation, the Democratic Party has actually taken full control of the House and Senate, and the U.S. has fallen into the process of fully implementing far-left socialism. There is actually a Uniparty that people flirt with in the US.) They are both opposed to Trump and in collusion with the Communist Party, in both parties. Americans call such people the Uniparty. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a formal political party, it’s a people. The deep government has taken full control of American politics and America has fallen. This is the darkest moment in American history, legitimizing naked fraud, a disgrace to America, a disgrace to democracy.