Gates is a hero! Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz Challenges Speech on January 6

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) challenged the electoral votes of battleground states in a joint session of both houses of Congress on the evening of Jan. 6. The following is an excerpt from Congressman Gaetz’s speech.

Congressman Gaetz told members of both chambers: “This morning, President Trump made clear his demand that the demonstrations and protests remain peaceful. There is so much President Trump can complain about, but his call for peace is clear, much clearer than the leftists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. This summer, when we saw violence sweep the country, it was left-wing rioters who were running the show. “

Mr. Gates revealed that “The Washington Times has just reported that a facial recognition company, has provided very compelling evidence that some of the people who broke into the Capitol today were not Trump supporters. They were masquerading as Trump supporters, but were actually members of the violent terrorist group Antifa.”

Mr. Gates said, “I’m glad, at least for one day, that I didn’t hear my fellow Democrats calling for cuts in funding for the police. I appreciate their words that will bring us together, but let’s never assume that our colleagues on the left don’t have an anti-democratic streak. Just because we signed some legal instruments asking the courts to settle disputes, there are people on the left who say that we shouldn’t have seats in Congress at all, and they even say we should be prosecuted and even go to jail, and that rhetoric angers the people, and the people know what basic fairness. “

Rep. Gaetz confessed, “Election fraud is systematic, it’s repetitive, it’s the same system. I dare say it’s working.”

Rep. Gaetz stated, “Democrats couldn’t get the results they wanted, state lawmakers didn’t agree with what they were trying to do, and Democrats pressured, filed lawsuits, and tampered with the Constitution with additional constitutional actions by certain officials. In some states they fraudulently shuffled votes, tampered with ballots and voter registration forms, and denied review. 2016 Democrats found out they couldn’t beat Trump in a voter in person vote and plotted impeachment, which failed, and remembered mail in ballots, an unprecedented number of which did not have real signature matching and real ID certification. States that did not have clean elections should be stripped of their electoral votes.”