U.S. media outlet Gateway Pundit wrote on Jan. 7 that so far you may have seen pictures and videos from Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Trump supporters made their way into the Capitol in a protest that got a little out of hand at times.
The Gateway Pundit commented that people on the left and even some on the right acted as if they had seen something like this before. They have apparently forgotten that the left has been burning and looting American cities for months, while Democrats and the media have called them “mostly peaceful” protesters.
Current events commentator Daniel John Bongino appeared on Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity on Jan. 6 to remind everyone of the violent leftist actions that took place after the Republican convention and the more than 100 nights of Antifa attacks on Portland courthouses. Bongiorno, an American conservative political commentator, radio show host, author, politician, former New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer and former Secret Service agent.
Bongino blasted Democrats and the media, saying we have two different sets of rules in this country, one set of rules for the left and another set of rules reserved for everyone else.
The Washington Examiner reported that Bongino said Wednesday’s chaos on Capitol Hill exposed “the hypocrisy of the media” when it comes to reporting on President Trump and his administration.
The conservative commentator said the interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity may have been his “toughest appearance” ever on the network, noting with emotion that the level of outrage at the Secret Service escorting Trump to an underground bunker months ago when protesters raged in front of the White House was no match for this one.
“We condemned the violence across the board tonight on this television network. Everyone, periodically, does that and that’s about it. My Secret Service friends had the mob in their hands when they called me outside the White House during the protests in front of the White House over the summer. Where was the media at that time? I’m not kidding, it’s not a joke, I was taking those calls,” Bongiorno said.
The American Lookout commented that Bongino was right. The media, which has supported left-wing mobs for the past 10 months, has no business educating anyone.
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