Canada supports the Chuan march nearly 200 cars on the road in Toronto

On the morning of January 3, nearly 200 cars rallied and marched in front of the U.S. Consulate in Toronto in support of President Trump and against U.S. election fraud.

The morning of the day, goose feather snow slowly drifted down, a vehicle with the Jinchuan colorful flag, the United States flag, Canadian flag and their respective community flags, one after another gathered near the U.S. Consulate, including University Ave. and several nearby streets. The parade waiting to depart attracted the attention of passersby, some sounding their horns, applauding and taking pictures.

The event was sponsored by the Factualcanada website, with participants coming from Greater Toronto and surrounding areas, as well as a few from outside the province.

Mr. Zhang, the event coordinator, said the event was well received in the community, especially the Chinese community. Sixty cars registered online were from the Chinese, with others from the Western, Iranian, Vietnamese and Tibetan communities, for a total of nearly 200 cars.

Mr. Zhang said that the police also came to the scene that day, and two police officers had to march two more banners.

Darkness in America, darkness in the world

Payat said Canada and the United States are close neighbors, and anything that happens in the United States affects Canadians. Now that there is clear election fraud in the U.S. election, as a Canadian, he wants to stand up. “We just want to be fair in the U.S. election. There are a lot of people in Canada who are brainwashed by the media and indoctrinated by liberal news on a daily basis.”

“But the truth is, there are a lot of people in Canada who support Donald Trump. Trump has a lot of great policies, including cracking down on the child pornography trade. He’s protected businesses with low taxes, lowered unemployment, economic growth. He’s not racist, he’s not sexist, he’s a good president and he’s gotten more votes than any president.” He said.

Payat said he “just wants to see a fair election. If the United States falls into corruption like many other countries in the world, then the world is dark and the hope for democracy is extinguished.”

Mr. Sun, who has worked as a lawyer in China, said he knows very well how the Chinese political and legal system works. He has watched them discuss how to sell Chinese organs over drinks and heard how the whole process works.

“If American society continues to go on like this, it’s not far from organ selling and forced organ harvesting.” Mr. Sun said, “We immigrated just to get freedom and get away from the darkness. But once the U.S. goes dark, the world will be completely dark. Without this world police, this society is bound to be chaotic and rotten; we have no choice.”

“It’s time for us to fight for President Trump!”

Iranian community leader Nasser Pooli said, “President Trump fights for the American people, he fights for the people of the world, and now it’s time we fight for President Trump!”

John ziraco is a retired engineer from IBM. He participated in the car parade with his son. Ziraco grew up in the Reagan (Reagan) era. Has been a strong supporter of traditional ideas, and a strong supporter of Trump.

“I expect he will win this election. He’s popular with the American people, I believe in Trump, and I know he’s going to be sworn in as president on Jan. 20, and he’s going to have to do what he has to do to win. The people believe in him, the people support him. I am one of them. ” said Chiraco.

He (Trump) is the best person, he doesn’t like the Communist Party,” said Paul Phong, a Vietnamese immigrant. He is a real supporter of human rights, freedom and democracy. If Biden is elected, then the U.S. will become a communist country, just look at Hong Kong now.”

Lily, who is from the former Soviet Union, said, “We support Trump because we are against communism. China is taking over the whole world. I understand what Hong Kong people say; the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, they don’t need communism either, they don’t want communism here, they don’t want communists, they want freedom.”

Support democracy and reject fraud

Ms. Zhang, a mainland immigrant who participated in the march, said she was not a Trump supporter at the beginning of the year. Then when she found that the Canadian media was lopsidedly black on Trump, she started searching and researching herself, and found that Trump was widely supported, and Biden was not what the media had advertised. So she made a video of herself and put it on the oil pipe (YouTube), only to have it quickly deleted.

Ms. Zhang was very angry about this: “I firmly believe that this election was stolen and they stole it from Trump because there were simply not that many people who supported Biden and there was no way he could have gotten more votes than Obama.”

According to Ms. Zhang, “Our freedom of expression in North America has been seriously eroded. As a Chinese, as a Canadian, I want to stand up for the democratic system and for freedom of speech.”

Kun Yang from Oshawa said that Trump’s America First is right; he is clear about the evil of the Chinese Communist Party; he separates the Chinese people from the Chinese Communist Party, and he really supports the Chinese people, really supports Hong Kong and Taiwan, and packs religious freedom.

A young Chinese couple said, “We are supporting Trump for the next generation. We are also for wanting freedom, Chinese should raise our voice of freedom. We should support justice, now is the last chance, we must work hard. If we don’t stand up this time, we will never have the chance or the power to express our will again.”

Socialism doesn’t work

Mr. Ma, a mainland immigrant, said, “We are very afraid of socialism, and these Westerners may not know that, they may still think socialism is quite good. Socialism looks like a good idea, but in the end everyone lives in poverty, in the kind of life where they are deprived of all rights, and that kind of life is actually very difficult.”

“Those things in the country (China) are superficially packaged in a nice and scenic way, just like the people’s commune, how good they say on the surface, everyone has food to eat, no money to spend. What happened? Tens of millions of people starved to death.”

Mrs. Ma said, “If Trump can’t even win this time, really, I think the world is all dark. It’s only going to get worse. We came overseas from China after all the hard work, and then it turns out to be socialism here again, and that’s not kind of the same life? Then what’s the point of coming here?”

“We can’t let Canada become like China again, there are a lot of people in the West who don’t know that, they still want to go down the road of socialism, they must not go down the road of socialism, they must not.” Mrs. Ma said.

Ms. Amber wang, a mainland immigrant, said socialism does not work. Socialism sounds like a utopian paradise of equality, but in fact, rewarding those who get something for nothing is the same as punishing those who work hard. In fact, it is the backbone of the country and society that sustains it. Any society needs order, and we support the righteous, the good, the hardworking and the diligent in order for society to maintain order and develop properly.

The march left at 12:15pm and marched around Central Street and Lake Avenue until 3pm when it returned to its starting point.

A second car march sponsored by Factualcanada will be held on Wednesday (Jan. 6). Details of the event are as follows.